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Svalk Wardin

Aasimar werden oft als gutes Omen angesehen, aber Svalk war keines. Seine Mutter starb bei der Geburt und sein Vater gab ihm die Schuld. Der Vater - ein Kleriker vom Beruf - wandte sich aus Frustration von seiner Gottheit ab und einer dunkleren zu. Der kleine Junge wuchs mit Skeletten und Zombies als Spielkameraden auf. Und er fürchtete seinen Vater, der wann immer er schlechte Laune hatte ihn verprügelte. Doch meist experimentierte der Vater mit neuen Kreationen. Es war hilfreich bei dem neuen dunklen Hobby des Vaters, dass die recht wohlhabende Familie auf einem abgelegenen Landsitz wohnte. Der Junge nutzte die Zeit, um sich in der reichhaltigen Bibliothek des Hauses Buchwissen anzueignen. Eines Tages, als sein Vater ihn in schlechter Laune wieder verprügelte, griff er instinktiv nach einem Küchenmesser, um sich zu verteidigen und erstach seinen Vater. Mit einem treuen Skelett im Schlepptau floh er anschließend aus dem Haus, in dem er seine unglückliche Kindheit verbracht hat. Er ist - von den Untoten abgesehen - recht einsam aufgewachsen und hat wenig Vertrauen in Lebende. Aber um Geld zu verdienen schließt er sich einer Heldengruppe an. Geld braucht er für Opale, um sich neue Gefährten zu erschaffen. Seine Untoten versteckt er meist außerhalb von Städten oder Dörfern (in Höhlen oder Ruinen), wenn er diese besucht.


Svalk Wadin
nickname: Svalk
languages: common, celestial (aasimar), sylvan (bonus)
race: Aasimar gender: male age: 24
class levels: Priest with Undead Lord Archetype Level 12
Domain 1: Undead Subdomain (Death) Domain 2: Knowledge
channel negative energy: 6d8 + 2d6; 11/day; DC 26; 30 ft. burst; exclude up to 8
size: medium alignment: NE god: Urgathoa
speed: 30 ft. initiative: 1 action points: 6 (1/2 lvl.)
senses: darkvision 60ft. perception: 7
AC: 26 touch: 13 flat-footed: 25
resistances: acid, cold and electricity 5
armor check penalty: -2 max DEX: 4 spell failure: 20%
light load: 0-26 lbs. medium load: 27-53 lbs. heavy load: 54-80 lbs.
HP: 82 death: -14 hit dice: d6
STR: 8 (-1) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 20 (+5) CHA: 27 (+8)
Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 8 Will: 16
BAB: +6/+1 Melee: 3/-2 Ranged: 5/0
CMB: 5 CMD: 18
Proficiency: simple weapons, scythe, light armor
spell DC: 15 + sp-lvl CL: 12 (d20 + CL against SR) concentration: d20 + 17
close: 55 ft. medium: 220 ft. long: 880 ft.
corpse companion: 16 HD command undead: 16 HD animate dead: 64 HD (32 max per cast)
Undeads: Undeads Kohorte: Mirn Yamyra


name attack damage range notes
ranged touch 4 - 30 ranged touch
touch 2 - -
spiritual weapon 10 1d8+3 medium spell resistance

ability scores

ability mod Base race lev item
STR 8 -1 8
DEX 12 +1 10 +2
CON 14 +2 8 +6
INT 12 +1 12
WIS 20 +5 14 +2 +4
CHA 27 +8 18 +2 +3 +4


HP: 82 = 6 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 2 (LVL 1-12) + 24 (CON) + 12 (toughness)
AC/touch/flat: 26/13/25 = 10 + 10 (armor) + 2 (deflection) + 3 (natural) + 1 (DEX)
BAB: +6/+1
CMB: 5 = 6 (BAB) - 1 (STR)
CMD: 18 = 10 + 6 (BAB) - 1 (STR) + 1 (DEX) + 2 (deflection)
Melee: 3 = 6 (BAB) - 1 (STR) - 2 (armor check penalty)
Range: 5 = 6 (BAB) + 1 (DEX) - 2 (armor check penalty)
Fortitude: 13 = 8 (class) + 2 (CON) + 3 (item)
Reflex: 8 = 4 (class) + 1 (DEX) + 3 (item)
Will: 16 = 8 (class) + 5 (WIS) + 3 (item)
Light load: 0-26 lbs.
Medium load: 27-53 lbs.
Heavy load: 54-80 lbs.

special abilities

channel negative energy: 6d8 (priest) + 2d6 (item); 11/day = 3 + 8 (CHA); DC 26 = 10 + 6 (1/2 level priest) + 8 (CHA) + 2 (Improved Channel); 30 ft. burst; exclude up to 8 (CHA, Selective Channeling)
Death's Kiss: touch attack, touched creature is like undead regarding healing/damage from positive/negative energy, 6 rounds (1/2 level priest), 8/day = 3 + 5 (WIS)
Command Undead: 1 channel, reach 30 ft., Will-save DC 24 = 10 + 6 (1/2 level priest) + 8 (CHA), intelligent undead have a new save each day, max 16 (priest level + 4 from undead master) HD under control, opposed CHA-check if undead is under control of someone else for conflicting orders
Corpse Companion (Su): ritual requiring 8 hours, animate skeleton or zombie with 16 (priest level + 4 from undead master) HD or variant skeleton with 8 (half of before) HD, max 1 companion at a time, dismissing destroys it
Lore Keeper (Sp): touch attack to gain effects of knowledge-check against creature with result of 31 = 15 + 11 (priest level) + 5 (WIS)
Remote Viewing (Sp): clairvoyance/clairaudience as spell-like ability, 11 (priest-level) rounds per day
Death's Embrace (Ex): you heal damage instead of taking damage from channeled negative energy
Unlife Healer (Su): spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used to heal undead heal an extra 50% damage, does not stack with empower
Undead Master: +4 levels for determining hit dice for animate dead
Unlife Healer (Su): spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used to heal undead heal the maximum possible damage for the effect + the extra 50%, does not stack with empower or maximize


spell-DC: 15 + spell-level = 10 + 5 (WIS) + spell-level
concentration: 17 = 12 (CL) + 5 (WIS)

close (ft.): 55 = 25 + 30 (5 per 2 levels)
medium (ft.): 220 = 100 + 120 (10 per level)
long (ft.): 880 = 400 + 480 (40 per level)

spells are re-slotted in the morning


2 domain-slots per level

lvl slots standard spells barghest hat
0th 6 = 6 (class) detect magic, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic +0
1st 7 = 5 (class) + 2 (WIS) bless, 3x cure light wounds, deathwatch, divine favor, obscuring mist +0
2nd 5 = 4 (class) + 1 (WIS) grace, resist energy, status (spoken), weapon of awe, delay poison +1
3rd 5 = 4 (class) + 1 (WIS) dispel magic, invisibility purge, prayer, searing light, staff of healing +0
4th 4 = 3 (class) + 1 (WIS) cure critical wounds, death ward, dismissal, restoration +1
5th 4 = 3 (class) + 1 (WIS) breath of life, flame strike, leer (entzaubern, breath of life, raise dead, true seeing) +0
6th 2 = 2 (class) heal, heroe's feast +0
7th 0 = 0 (class) +1


1st: cause fear, comprehend languages (2/0)
2nd: ghoul touch, detect thoughts (2/0)
3rd: animate dead, speak with dead (0/2)
4th: enervation, divination (2/0)
5th: slay living, true seeing (1/1)
6th: create undead, find the path (0/2)
7th: destruction, legend lore
8th: create greater undead, discern location
9th: energy drain, foresight

spell-like abilities

DC: 18 + spell-level = 10 + 8 (CHA) + spell-level
concentration: 20 = 12 (CL) + 8 (CHA)

spell-like abilities list

daylight 1/day (Aasimar)


8 = 6 + 1 (INT) + 1 (favored class Priest) / level
class-skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int)
race-bonus: +2 on Diplomacy and Perception
Lore (Priest): 1/2 Priest level on all Knowledge-checks, Knowledge can be used untrained

Skill (ability) = ranks ability class race lore other
Appraise (INT) 5 1 1 3
Diplomacy (CHA) 25 12 8 3 2
Handle Animal (CHA) 9 1 8
Heal (WIS) 9 1 5 3
Knowledge arcana (INT) 21 12 1 3 5
Knowledge dungeoneering (INT) 19 10 1 3 5
Knowledge nature (INT) 19 10 1 3 5
Knowledge planes (INT) 21 12 1 3 5
Knowledge religion (INT) 21 12 1 3 5
Knowledge all (INT) 6 1 5
Perception (WIS) 7 5 2
Sense Motive (WIS) 9 1 5 3
Spellcraft (INT) 20 12 1 3 4
Use Magic Device (CHA) 24 12 8 4

level advancement

Level 1: Aura (Priest), Channel negative Energy (Priest), Spontaneous Casting: Undead subdomain (Priest), Lore (Priest), Corpse Companion (Undead Subdomain), Lore Keeper (Knowledge Domain), Death's Kiss (Undead Lord), Command Undead (bonus feat, Undead Lord), Improved channel (Feat)
Level 3: Selective Channeling (Feat)
Level 4: +1 CHA
Level 5: Craft Wondrous Item (Feat)
Level 6: Remote Viewing (Knowledge Domain)
Level 7: Leadership (Feat)
Level 8: Death's Embrace (Death Domain), Unlife Healer +50% (Undead Lord), +1 CHA
Level 9: Magical Aptitude (Feat)
Level 10: Undead Master (bonus feat, Undead Lord)
Level 11: Toughness (Feat)
Level 12: +1 CHA
Level 16: Unlife Healer Max+50% (Undead Lord)


income: 150 (start) + 5.000 + 15.000 + 3.000 + 5.000 + 14.000 + 23.000 + 28.000 + 6.000 + 20.000 = 119.150
expenses: 2.400 (onyxes for undead); 5.000 (belt of physical might +2 CON +2 DEX); 4.500 (cloak of resistance +3); 15.000 (upgrade headband +2 → +4); 9.000 (amulet of natural armor +3); 16.000 (upgrade belt +2/+2 → +6/+2); 27.000 (ring of blinking); 6.000 (mithral chainmail +2 → +4) = 84.900

silver holy symbol of Urgathoa; wooden holy symbol of Urgathoa
Cleric's Vestments
Cold-Weather Outfit
Explorer's Outfit
spell component pouch

silk rope (50 ft.)
healer's kit (10 uses, +2 circumstance)

combat gear

item weight
dagger 1
mithral chainmail +4 20
spell component pouch 2
silver holy symbol of Urgathoa 1
wooden holy symbol of Urgathoa 0
headband 1
4 vials of holy water 4

body slots

slot item
armor mithral chainmail +4
belt belt of physical might +6 CON +2 DEX
head Barghest-hat: +2d6 channel (+1 caster-level mit Slots für einen Tag, wenn man DC 25 und DC 30 Use magic device schafft)
headband headband of mental prowess +4 CHA +4 WIS
neck amulet of natural armor +3
ring ring of blinking
ring ring of protection +2
shoulder cloak of resistance +3
other pearl of power 3rd

wands & staffs & more

staffs effect charges notes
staff of healing heal 3d8 + CL 10 cure serious wounds (1 charge)
heal 1d4 attribute damage lesser restoration (1 charge)
heals blindness/deafness remove blindness/deafness (2 charges)
heals disease (CL-check against DC) remove disease (3 charges)
wands effect charges notes
cure light wounds heal 1d8+1 106
endure elements 22
prayer beads effect charges notes
… of healing one of cure serious, remove blind/deaf, remove disease 1 / day
… of karma +4 caster level for 10 minutes (self) 1 / day
bs/party/svalk/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/11/19 15:44 von mnementh