



Als Sohn eines angesehenen Vampirs und der menschlichen Tochter eines Adligen in Lepidstadt wurde er als Dhampir geboren. Seine Mutter wurde angesichts des als Monsters angesehenen Babys verstoßen und verarmte. Sein Vater missachtete ihre Not und so verarmte sie und versuchte mehr schlecht als recht ihr Kind großzuziehen. Sie starb als er 13 war und er schlug sich als Bettelkind durch. Er hasste alle die seine Mutter im Stich gelassen hatten, also sowohl den Adel als auch Vampire. Deshalb legte er sowohl seinen menschlichen Namen, als auch den auf Vampirseite erhaltenen Namen ab und nannte sich nur noch „D“.

Als er auf die Jagd nach Kreaturen der Nacht ging wurde er von Viktor van Helsenstein gerettet. Viktor war ein Vampirjäger und nahm den Teenager als Lehrling auf. An der Seite von Viktor bearbeitete er Aufträge zur Bekämpfung von Monstern. Als Erwachsener machte er sich mit dem Geschäft selbständig.

Vor 30 Jahren ging ein Auftrag zur Jagd eines Vampirs schief und D kam nur knapp davon. Professor Lorrimor von der Universität in Lepidstadt hörte davon und lud D zu sich ein um mehr über die Details zu erfahren und mehr über die Kreaturen der Nacht zu lernen. Aus diesem Ereignis entwickelte sich eine Partnerschaft und Lorrimor und D tauschten sich über die Jahre hinweg des öfteren per Post über ihre Erkenntnisse zu Kreaturen aus.


languages: Common
race: dhampir gender: male age: 56
class levels: vampire hunter 8
size: medium alignment: N god: Pharasma
speed: 30ft. initiative: 3 action points: 4
senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60ft. perception: 11
AC: 22 touch: 14 flat-footed: 19
armor check penalty: -0 max DEX: 5 spell failure: 15%
light load: 86 lbs. medium load: 173 lbs. heavy load: 260 lbs.
HP: 55 death: 12
STR: 18 (+4) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 8 (-1) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 12 (+1)
Fortitude: 4 Reflex: 10 Will: 8
BAB: +8/+3 Melee: +12 Ranged: +11
CMB: 12 CMD: 26
spell DC: 11 + sp-lvl CL: 5 (d20 + CL against SR) concentration: d20 + 4
close: 35 ft. medium: 150 ft. long: 600 ft.


weapon attack damage critical range (ft.) type notes/ammo
raven's head
+1 keen longsword 10 1d8 + 5 (+1) 17-20/x2 - S
9 two-weapon-fighting
+1 silver rapier 9 1d6 + 4 (+1) 18-20/x2 - P
8 two-weapon-fighting
+1 heavy mace 10 1d8 + 4 (+1) x2 - B
9 two-weapon-fighting
+1 humanoid (shapechanger) bane dagger 10 1d4 + 5 (+1) 19-20/x2 - P or S
9 1d4 + 3 (+1) off-hand
kukri 9 1d4 + 4 (+1) 18-20/x2 - S
8 1d4 + 2 (+1) off-hand
+1 composite longbow STR+2 8 1d8 + 3 (+1) x3 110 P


lv per day spells spells known
spell-like 3 detect undead (dhampir)
spell-like - detect undead (vampire hunter)
1 3 cure light wounds, inflict light wounds, divine favor, shield of faith 5
2 2 cure moderate wounds, inflict moderate wounds, lesser restoration, spiritual weapon 4
3 1 inflict serious wounds 2
4 -
0 4
1 3
2 -

consumable items

item type uses effect
inflict light wounds wand 38-24 1d8+1 damage (healing for me)
cure light wounds wand 50-3 1d8+1 healing
inflict light wounds potion 0 1d8+1 damage (healing for me)
inflict moderate wounds potion 9 2d8+3 damage (healing for me)


ability type saves attack damage AC skills prerequisites
Undead Resistance racial +2 against disease and mind-affecting effects
Subject of Study trait +1 against creatures of type undead
Corpse Hunter trait +1 against creatures of type undead
Countenanced Carbuncle insight +1 +1 light or one handed weapons, unarmed strike, natural attack
light-sensitive dazzled -1 -1 (Perception) bright light
two weapon fighting -1
flanking +2
power attack -2 +4
Bless morale +1 +1 saves against fear effects
Divine Favor luck +2 +2
Shield of faith deflection +3
Haste +1 +1

character build


favored class: vampire hunter (hit points)
HD: d8 (vampire hunter)
languages: Common (dhampir)
weapons: all simple and martial weapons
armor: light and medium armor and shields (except tower shields)

ability scores

ability mod points Base race lev item other
STR 22 +6 10 16 +2 +4
DEX 20 +5 5 14 +2 +4
CON 12 +1 5 14 -2
INT 8 -1 -2 8
WIS 16 +3 2 12 +1 +2 +1
CHA 14 +2 0 10 +2 +2

+1 CHA or WIS inherent bonus permanent (Desna Dusk Moth bonus)


53 = 6*9 (vampire hunter lvl. 1-9) - 9 (INT * lvl) + 8 (favorite class)
class-skills: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)
Hand's Knowledge: Knowledge dungeoneering (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill (ability) = ranks ability class other note
Acrobatics (DEX*) 7 3 4 - 0
Appraise (INT) -1 -1
Bluff (CHA) 7 1 1 3 +2 manipulative (dhampir)
Climb (STR*) 8 1 4 - 0 3
Craft (INT) -1 -1 0
Diplomacy (CHA) 1 1
Disable Device (DEX*)⋄ 6 1 4 - 0 +1 countenanced carbuncle
Disguise (CHA) 1 1
Escape Artist (DEX*) 4 4 - 0
Fly (DEX*) 4 4 - 0
Handle Animal (CHA)⋄ 5 1 1 3
Heal (WIS) 5 1 1 3
Intimidate (CHA) 5 1 1 3
Knowledge arcana (INT)⋄ 3 1 -1 3
Knowledge dungeoneering (INT)⋄ 3 1 -1 3
Knowledge engineering (INT)⋄ - -1
Knowledge geography (INT)⋄ 3 1 -1 3
Knowledge history (INT)⋄ - -1
Knowledge local (INT)⋄ 3 1 -1 3
Knowledge nature (INT)⋄ - -1
Knowledge nobility (INT)⋄ - -1
Knowledge planes (INT)⋄ - -1
Knowledge religion (INT)⋄ 3 1 -1 3
Linguistics (INT)⋄ - -1
Perception (WIS) 15 9 1 3 +2 manipulative (dhampir)
Perform (CHA) 1 1
Profession (WIS)⋄ - 1 0
Ride (DEX*) 4 4 - 0 0
Sense Motive (WIS) 5 1 1 3
Sleight of Hand (DEX*)⋄ 4 1 3 - 0 +1 countenanced carbuncle
Spellcraft (INT)⋄ 3 1 -1 3
Stealth (DEX*) 16 9 4 - 0 3
Survival (WIS) 13 9 1 3 track (1/2 level on tracking)
Swim (STR*) 4 4 - 0 0
Use Magic Device (CHA)⋄ 13 9 1 3

spell-slots and spells learned

class: vampire hunter/cleric
ability: WIS

sp-lvl learned slots class ability other
1st 5 3 2 1
2nd 4 2 1 1
3rd 2 1 0 1
4th - - - -
0 - 4 4 -
1st - 3 2 1
2nd - - - 1
3rd - - - 1

other stats

HP: 69 = 8 (vampire hunter lvl. 1) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 3 (vampire hunter lvl. 2-10) + 1 * 10 (CON * lvl) + 1 (1 lvl favorite class) + 10 (toughness)
death: 12 = 12 (CON)
BAB: +8/+3 (vampire hunter)
melee: 12 = 8 (BAB) + 4 (STR)
ranged: 11 = 8 (BAB) + 3 (DEX)
CMB: 12 = 8 (BAB) + 4 (STR)
CMD: 26 = 10 + 8 (BAB) + 3 (DEX) + 4 (STR) + 1 (deflection)
Fortitude: 4 = 2 (vampire hunter) + 1 (CON) + 1 (cloak of resistance)
Reflex: 10 = 6 (vampire hunter) + 3 (DEX) + 1 (cloak of resistance)
Will: 8 = 6 (vampire hunter) + 1 (WIS) + 1 (cloak of resistance)
Init: 3 = 3 (DEX)
action points: 4 (character level / 2)

AC: 22 = 10 + 7 (+1 mithral breastplate) + 3 (DEX) + 1 (deflection) + 1 (natural)
touch: 14 = 10 + 3 (DEX) + 1 (deflection)
flat-footed: 19 = 10 + 7 (+1 mithral breastplate) + 1 (deflection) + 1 (natural)
armor check penalty: -0 = -4 (breastplate) + 3 (mithral) + 1 (masterwork)
max DEX: 5 = 3 (breastplate) + 2 (mithral)
arcane spell failure: 15% = 25% (breastplate) - 10% (mithral)

spell DC (vampire hunter): 11 + sp-lvl = 10 + sp-lvl + 1 (WIS)
CL (vampire hunter): 6 = 6 (vampire hunter level)
concentration (vampire hunter): 5 = 6 (CL) + 1 (WIS) - 2 (countenanced carbuncle)
close (vampire hunter): 40 = 25 + 15 (5 per 2 CL)
medium (vampire hunter): 160 = 100 + 60 (10 per CL)
long (vampire hunter): 640 = 400 + 240 (40 per CL)
spells per day (vampire hunter)
lvl. 1: 2 = 1 (class) + 1 (WIS)
spell DC (spell like): 11 + sp-lvl = 10 + sp-lvl + 1 (CHA)
CL (spell like): 6 = 6 (character level)
concentration (spell like): 5 = 6 (CL) + 1 (CHA) - 2 (countenanced carbuncle)
close (spell like): 40 = 25 + 15 (5 per 2 CL)
medium (spell like): 160 = 100 + 60 (10 per CL)
long (spell like): 640 = 400 + 240 (40 per CL)



amount (gp)
starting wealth (vampire hunter) +300
starting equipment: longsword (15), rapier (20), warhammer (12), shortbow (30), 20x arrows (1), hide armor(15), explorer's outfit (10) -103
inflight light wounds wand (10 charges) -150
donation temple of Pharasma -1
hunters's kit -15
Vorschuß von der Stadt für Beseitigung der Probleme +100
Vertrag Stadt: Insektenplage +100
Ausschüttung: 2020-05-09 +357
short sword, kukri -18
Erfüllung Vertrag mit der Stadt +400
Ausschüttung 2020-05-21 +2.000
Einkauf: composite longbow STR+3 -400
Stadtplan Lepidstadt -5
Belohnung für Bücher zurückbringen +1.000
Kauf: wand of inflict light wounds, 10×potion of inflict light wounds -1.000
Belohnung Gerichtsfall des Biests +1.000
Ausschüttung 2020-06-04 +2.500
+1 mithral breastplate -5.200
Ausschüttung 2020-09-11 +2.500
Ausschüttung 2020-10-09 +5.000
Ausschüttung 2021-02-24 +4.000
update belt → physical might STR +2 -6.000
Ausschüttung 2021-04-19 +8.000
Ausschüttung 2021-11-24 +30.000
update mithral breastplate +1 → +3 -8.000
update belt → STR +4 DEX +4 -15.000
headband of mental prowess WIS +2 CHA +2 -5.000
upgrade keen longsword +1 → +3 -12.000
upgrade cloak of resistance +2 → +3 -2.500


item weight (lbs.)
+1 keen longsword 4
rapier 2
+1 heavy mace 8
kukri 2
+1 humanoid (shapechanger) bane dagger 1
+1 composite longbow STR+2 3
46x arrows 9
→ 19× normal
→ 32× silver
→ 6× +1
→ 5× +1 ghost touch
→ 2× +1 undead bane
+1 mithral breastplate 15
explorer's outfit 8
hunters's kit 43.5

worn equipment

body slot item effect
armor +3 mithral breastplate AC +9
belt belt of physical might DEX +4 STR +4 DEX +4 STR +4
eyes lens of detection
feet boots of levitation
headband headband of mentalprowess WIS +2 CHA +2 WIS +2 CHA +2
neck amulet of natural armor +1
ring ring of protection +2
ring ring of force shield
shoulder cloak of resistance +3

level advancement

level class advancement
dhampir +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 CON
low-light-vision, darkvision 60 ft.
manipulative (+2 bluff and perception),
undead resistance (+2 on saves against disease and mind-affecting effects),
light-sensitive (dazzled in bright light), negative energy affinity, resist level drain
detect undead (spell-like ability, 3/day)
traits subject of study (trait, +1 damage on undeads), corpse hunter (trait, +1 attack on undeads)
1st vampire hunter detect undead (spell-like ability, move action, one object or creature in 60ft., like studied for 3 rounds),
track, vampiric call (vampiric focus)
Countenanced Carbuncle (technique feat), toughness (feat)
2nd vampire hunter relentless
3rd vampire hunter Hand’s Autonomy (technique feat), Two-Weapon Fighting (feat)
4th vampire hunter stake, spellcasting, STR+1
5th vampire hunter relentless band, power attack (feat)
6th vampire hunter Hand’s Knowledge (technique feat)
7th vampire hunter Vampire tracker
spells(2nd): cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration
double slice (feat)
8th vampire hunter Vampiric Momentum (vampiric focus)
spells(2nd): inflict moderate wounds
STR +1
9th vampire hunter ??? (technique feat)
combat reflexes (feat)
spells(2nd): ???
10th vampire hunter
11th cleric outflank (feat)
12th cleric
WIS +1


carrion/d.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/02/21 19:51 von mnementh