




Gold 552
Silber 12
ruby gemstone 300gp
  • Laurel bezahlt 4*30gp


# Ding
2 crossbows
3 short swords
2 MW short swords
1 shortbow
1 MW shortbow
4 dagger
1 +1 handaxe
1 MW light crossbow
4 +1 flaming bolts


# Ding
1 suit of hide armor
1 studded leather

Magische Items

# Ding
1 Soulspeaker
1 Scroll of Spiritual Weapon
1 potion of cure light wounds
1 Ring of Torag
1 potion of bull’s strength
1 wand of light (CL 1st, 28 charges)


Aura: Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Slot: amulet; Price: 2,400 gp

Description: This grotesque, amulet-like shrunken head is said to contain the enslaved soul of its former owner. Forced to obey whomever carries it, once per day a soulspeaker can repeat a message as if the spell magic mouth were cast upon it. The owner must merely hold the 6-inch-in-diameter head and speak his message and the conditions under which the soulspeaker should repeat it. While it carries a message, the eyes of the stitched head stretch open, closing as soon as its message has been delivered. Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, magic mouth; Cost: 1,200 gp

Ring of Torag

Aura: Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Slot: ring; Price: 1,200 gp

Description: This simple golden ring has a large red gemstone set into it that sparkles with an inner fire. The wearer of the ring gains fire resistance 10 against the first fire attack that hits him that day. This protection renews itself every morning at dawn. In addition, the wearer receives a +1 resistance bonus on saves made against fire spells and effects. The ring must be worn for 24 hours to have any effect. Requirements: Forge Ring, resist energy; Cost: 600 gp

Andere Gegenstände von Wert

# Ding
1 signet ring with the image of a flaming hawk (worth 5 gp)
8 days’ worth of rations
1 statuettes and rare stones worth 30 gp
1 pouch containing essential salts useful in summoning a familiar. If burnt in such a summoning ritual, these minerals decrease the rite’s required gp by half.
1 The book is beautifully illuminated and is worth 100 gp, but might fetch as much as 300 gp if sold to a dwarven collector or cleric.
1 thieves tools
1 set of masterwork artisan’s tools useful for making Craft (stonemasonry) skill checks
1 prayer book, worth 50 gp to a scholar interested in dwarven history
1 silver light hammer with a religious symbol carved into the head, The hammer is worth 21 gp
cv19/loot.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/03/29 16:51 von karaan