


Erstellung eines Spell Matrix Items


  • Players Compendium (RBL-100: Earthdawn Player’s Compendium) [PComp]
  • Gamemasters Compendium (RBL-101: Earthdawn Gamemaster’s Compendium) [GMComp]

Knack: Create Spell Matrix Object [PComp]

  • Discipline: Elementalist, Illusionist, Nethermancer, Weaponsmith, Wizard
  • Talent: Thread Weaving
  • Rank: El3, Il3, Ne3, We3, Wi3
  • Strain: 2

The Create Spell Matrix Object talent knack allows an adept to create spell matrix objects. Create Spell Matrix Object Tests are performed using the adept’s Thread Weaving talent. See Spell Matrix Objects in the Enchanting chapter, p. 277, for more information. For Weaponsmiths, these objects are usually armor, weapons or shields.

Spell Matrix Objects [PComp]

Matrix objects provide magicians with additional spell matrices for storing spell patterns. Like the talents, matrix objects can contain standard spell, armored, enhanced, or shared matrices. All matrix objects must be constructed from material woven with one or more True elements, orichalcum, or both (see Weaving True Elements Into Patterns, p. 274).

The Enchanting Test for making matrix objects requires the use of one of the Create Armored, Enhanced, Shared, or Spell Matrix Object talent knacks (see the Talent Knacks chapter, p. 219), appropriate to the type of matrix object being created. To enchant a matrix object, the magician must make a successful Enchanting Test against the matrix object’s Enchanting Difficulty (see Thread Objects in he Magical Treasures chapter on p. 173 of the Gamemaster’s Compendium). All appropriate enchanting modifiers apply. The enchanting process requires at least one week of uninerrupted work.

Only rarely do matrix objects appear for sale, as magicians usually create their own matrix objects in order to tailor the particular item to their specific needs and desires, and such items usually become pattern items of their creators.

Weaving True Elements Into Patterns [PComp]

True elements are often melded or woven into other objects to provide those items with some of the qualities of the element or elements. This weaving process delicately combines the elements together and “grounds” them as part of the material into which they are woven. This makes the elements considerably more stable and permits adepts to combine normally incompatible elements, such as True air and True fire or True air and True water, within an item. (For information on the properties of True elements and rules for gathering them, see True Elements, p. 278). Elementalists and Weaponsmiths may learn the Weave Element talent knack that allows them to weave True elements into items.

Adepts make a Weave Element Test for each True element kernel they want to weave into an item. Weaving each kernel takes one hour. If a Weave Element Test fails, the enchanter has wasted an hour and accomplished nothing, though neither the kernel nor the item are damaged by the attempt. A Pathetic result means the item is ruined and any True elements used are wasted. The enchanter must start over anew.

The Difficulty Number for a Weave Element Test is based on the True element and the item’s material, as listed on the Element Weaving Difficulty Table. Certain True elements and materials are less compatible, which makes weaving such combinations together more difficult. For example, True fire generally burns and consumes any material it contacts. Therefore, weaving True fire into most materials is extremely difficult.

Other elements and materials are completely incompatible and cannot be woven together under any circumstances. Any attempt to do so fails and consumes the material. These combinations are listed as “NA” on the table.

If weaving more than one True element into an item, add +1 to the Difficulty Number for each additional element. If any of the elements being combined by their nature cancel each other’s effects, add +2 to the Difficulty Number for each opposing element.

An enchanter may lower the Element Weaving Difficulty if he used an Artisan skill to create or modify the item being enchanted. In this case, to lower the Difficulty Number, the enchanter simply makes an Artisan Skill Test. For each result level above Average, subtract –1 from the Element Weaving Difficulty.

The amount of a True element required to construct an item varies greatly. A single kernel may be enough to create a relatively simple item like a firestarter, while hundreds or even thousands of kernels may be needed to make an airship. As a guideline, base the number of kernels of True element required to enchant an item on its cost. For every full 100 silver pieces the item costs, the enchanter must weave in one kernel of True element.

[GMComp p.173] Matrix Object kostet 1500S, EDN1): 27

Making an Enchanting Test [PComp]

The final step in the enchantment process is the Enchanting Test. This test completes the item and makes it usable by binding the magic to the item. Even if a magician successfully performs all other steps of the enchanting process, the enchantment attempt fails if the Enchanting Test fails. Enchanting requires the knowledge of specific talent knacks or half-magic abilities, available to adepts of certain Disciplines at different Circles. The requirements to create a specific item are mentioned throughout this chapter.

Many feats of enchantment can be complex and demanding. The Difficulty Number for an Enchanting Test depends on the type of magical item being enchanted. In game terms, that com- plexity can result in an Enchanting Difficulty of 20 or more. Characters may take a variety of actions during the enchanting process to reduce the Difficulty Numbers of Enchanting Tests.

Note that large items (like airships, for example) may require multiple Enchanting Tests, for each of the different components that makes up the item. The number of tests required, and the modifiers applied to each test, should be determined by the gamemaster.

Enchanting Difficulty Modifiers Table
Technique Employed Difficulty Modifier
True element incorporated –1 per kernel
Living crystal –1
Orichalcum incorporated –2 per kernel
Gathered item material –1
Artisan skill use –1 per result level on Artisan Skill Test
Craft Armor/Blade –1 per result level
Symbolic element –1 (or more, at gamemaster’s discretion)
Bound spirit –1
Extra time –1 per week

Unterm Strich

  • Kosten: 1500S ⇒ 15 Kernel eines wahren Elements
  • Wahres Element einweben (je Probe 1h, DN s. PCom p.274)
  • EDN: 27, 15 Kernel Wahres Element ⇒ DN: 12
  • 1 Woche ohne Unterbrechung, 2 Strain, Thread Weaving Probe gegen 12
Enchanting Difficulty Number
ed/creating_spell_matrix_item.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/09/05 12:07 von