


Aturas Bogen

Atura war eine Windlingsschützin im Kaer On-ackkin während der Plage. sie hatte eine Schülerin namens Silyba. Dieser Bogen ist der erste Bogen, welche Atura für Silyba anfertigte. Damals war er noch ohne magische Fähigkeiten, aber als Pattern Item mit Atura verbunden, damit die Schülerin auf die Kraft ihrer Lehrerin Zugriff hatte.

On-ackkin wurde vom Dämon Lyckghryn heimgesucht, welcher sich so nach und nach durch die Verteidigungen des Kaers arbeitete. Eine Gruppe von Kämpfern versuchte Lyckghryn zu stoppen. Auch Atura gehörte zu dieser Gruppe. Aber sie scheiterten und Atura wurde vom Dämon korrumpiert.

In ihrer Verzweiflung bildeten die Bewohner von On-ackkin eine weitere Gruppe, allerdings waren die größten Kämpfer mit der ersten Gruppe gestorben oder korrumpiert worden, die Hoffnung war also gering. Silyba schloss sich jener zweiten Gruppe an. Mit Hilfe der Verbindung des Bogens zu Atura konnte auch bei Lyckghryn eine Schwachstelle gefunden werden. Silyba konnte mit Hilfe dieser Verbindung den Dämon schwächen und nach einem langen Kampf auch den tödlichen Schuss mit diesem Bogen ausführen. Leider musste sie auch ihre vormalige Lehrerin töten. Nach dem Kampf schnitt sie eine Haarsträhne von Atura ab und flocht sie an den Bogen.

Durch die Ereignisse erlangte der Bogen seinen eigenes True Pattern und wurde eine mächtige Fadenwaffe. Aturas Bogen wurde innerhalb der Familie von Silyba von Generation zu Generation weitergereicht und auch in weiteren Abenteuern erfolgreich eingesetzt.


LP-cost: warden
weight: 11 oz.
STR-requirement: 6
damage-step: 4
thread-ranks: 15
short range: 2-24 (1-12)
long range: 25-48 (13-24)
size: 2
active thread (Naka): 5

thread rank 1

key knowledge: The wielder must learn the item's name.
damage: The weapon is now fully forged at damage step 5.
short range: 2-26 (1-13)
long range: 27-52 (14-26)

thread rank 2

Lights of On-ackkin: The wielder targets with the bow and speak the words 'Give me the lights of On-ackkin'. After he fires the missile it sheds light as a torch for an hour.
attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +1 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-28 (1-14)
long range: 29-56 (15-28)

thread rank 3

damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +1 to it's damage step (now damage step 6).
short range: 2-30 (1-15)
long range: 31-60 (16-30)

thread rank 4

elemental arrow: The user chooses one type of elemental damage from this list: fire, ice, water, poison and thunder. He defeats a magical creature, that makes use of this element (e.g. Firebords for fire, Thunder lizards for thunder). He than attaches a part of the defeated creature (hair, tooth) to the bow and weaves a thread to connect it to the pattern of the bow. The archer can now on wich make an normal missile attack with that bow dealing damage of this element.
attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +2 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-32 (1-16)
long range: 33-64 (17-32)

thread rank 5

damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +2 to it's damage step (now damage step 7).
Silyba's revenge: For the cost of one strain, the user of this bow can apply the bonus damage to attacks, that are made with the bow but normally don't include the bows damage step (like the Flame Arrow talent).

thread rank 6

attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +3 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-34 (1-17)
long range: 35-68 (18-34)

thread rank 7

Master Hunter: After defeating a creature, the owner of the bow can attach a part of the defeated creature (some hair, a scale, a tooth, …) to the bow and connects it with thread weaving to the pattern. After that he can gain a half the thread rank (rounded down) as bonus on attacks, damage, creature analysis, creature lore (or horror lore) against creatures of the same type.
elemental arrow: The owner can activate a second element attack (see thread rank 4).
damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +3 to it's damage step (now damage step 8).
short range: 2-36 (1-18)
long range: 37-72 (19-36)

thread rank 8

attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +4 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-38 (1-19)
long range: 39-76 (20-38)

thread rank 9

Silyba's ruse: The owner of the bow makes an called shot against the eyes of the target and spends additionally one strain. If successful, the damage is dealt as normal and the target is blinded, unless it succeeds on a toughness check against the damage dealt. The target stays blinded, but can each round make another toughness check, but this time against the current thread rank of the bow. If successful the blindness ends.
damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +4 to it's damage step (now damage step 9).
short range: 2-40 (1-20)
long range: 41-80 (21-40)

thread rank 10

Lyckghryn's Rage: The user of the bow can inflict more damage by accessing to the connection this bow has to Lyckghryn. With the chant 'give me your might, Lyckghryn', the user pays two Strain every round he maintains the rage. While the rage is active, the archer doubles all attack and damage-boni given by Atura's bow. At the same time he suffers a -3 penalty to all three defenses. If the rage is ended, the character is harried for 3 rounds, regardless how long the rage was maintained.
elemental arrow: The owner can activate a third element attack (see thread rank 4).
attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +5 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).

thread rank 11

Silyba's elemental artifice: If making an elemental attack (see thread rank 4), the owner of the bow can spend one strain to make ongoing elemental effects on the target. What happens depends on the element used:

  • fire: The target is harried, unless the target uses a standard action to extinguish the fire.
  • ice: The target is harried for a number of rounds determined by the success-level of the attack (good = 1 rounds, excellent = 2 rounds, extraordinary = 3 rounds).
  • poison: The target gets additional poison damage each round after the hit. The damage step of the poison is half the thread rank (rounded down). The poison effect ends, if the target succeeds on a toughness check against the poison damage of this round (after the damage was applied).
  • water: Movement rate is halved for a number of rounds depending on the success level of the attack. See ice.
  • thunder: The target has no standard action, until it succeeds on a Willpower check against half the thread rank (rounded down).

damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +5 to it's damage step (now damage step 10).
short range: 2-42 (1-21)
long range: 43-84 (22-42)

thread rank 12

attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +6 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-44 (1-22)
long range: 45-88 (23-44)

thread rank 13

elemental arrow: The owner can activate a fourth element attack (see thread rank 4).
damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +6 to it's damage step (now damage step 11).
short range: 2-46 (1-23)
long range: 47-92 (24-46)

thread rank 14

attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +7 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-48 (1-24)
long range: 49-96 (25-48)

thread rank 15

Silyba's aptitude: The user of a bow can hit a nerve centre of the enemy. If he tries to do that, he announces this beforehand, paying one strain and tries to hit the enemy on an attack test. The attack doesn't deal damage, but instead has the chance to paralyze the enemy. The user of the bow makes an test with the thread-ranks (15) + Willpower against the Spell defence of the enemy. If successful the emeny cannot move or take any action for one round. If it is a good result the duration is two rounds, on an excellent result three rounds and four rounds on an extraordinary result.
elemental arrow: The owner can activate a fifth element attack (see thread rank 4).
damage: The weapon gains a step bonus of +7 to it's damage step (now damage step 12).
attack: Missile attacks made with this bow get a +8 bonus on the step to make the attack. This is independent of which talent or skill was used for the attack (e.g. Missile Weapons or True Shot).
short range: 2-50 (1-25)
long range: 51-100 (26-50)

ed/magicitems/aturasbogen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/09/05 12:07 von