




type ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….


step dices dices 0d12 1d12 2d12 3d12 4d12 5d12
d12 7 14 21 28 35 42
1 d6-3 2d6 8 15 22 29 36 43
2 d6-2 d8+d6 9 16 23 30 37 44
3 d6-1 2d8 10 17 24 31 38 45
4 d6 d10+d8 11 18 25 32 39 46
5 d8 2d10 12 19 26 33 40 47
6 d10 d12+d10 13 20 27 34 41 48


Woher Naka kommt, wer seine Eltern sind und vieles mehr ist unbekannt. Der Troll-Bogenschütze Sural Theorion fand eines Tages ein kleines Windlingkind in der Wildnis. Die Eltern waren unauffindbar. Sural fragte in der nächsten Ortschaft, aber niemand wusste etwas über ein vermisstes Kind, vorbeigereiste Windlinge oder ähnliches. So entschied Sural sich selbst um das Kind zu kümmern - eine Entscheidung die er oft bereute. Er nannte das Kind Naka, den einzigen Windlingsnamen den er kannte. Auf einen Nachnamen verzichtete er, da die Eltern unbekannt sind. Dabei bleibt Naka bis heute.

Sural lebte allein in der Wildnis, er tauschte aber regelmäßig Jagdbeute mit der Bevölkerung benachbarter Ortschaften. In dieses Leben band er Naka ein und so erlernte Naka die Kunst des Bogenschützen. Sural nahm auch später Kontakt zu einer Windlingssiedlung auf, damit Naka unter seinesgleichen leben könnte, aber Naka kehrte zu ihm zurück. Aber mit dem Älterwerden wuchs die Lust auf Abenteuer, und so zog es Naka schließlich zu den den Luftpiraten.


  • Spieler: Jörgen
  • Windling, männlich
  • Adept: Archer 9, Weaponsmith 8, Troubadour 6
  • Race: windling
  • Gender: male
  • Passion: Floranuus
  • Height: 18''
  • Weight: 13 lbs.
  • Languages: dwarf (srw), windling (s), t'skrang (s), theran (srw), horrorcommon (rw) [+3 s; +2 rw]

important actions

  • temper self → morning


effect spell/talent source when
+3 physical armor, +3 fatigue tests against heat air armor Achamas always
+4 land speed quicken pace Achamas always
+8 toughness test bonus vs. poison resist poison Achamas always
+3 spell defense astral shield Achamas always
+8 to unconcious, death and wound threshold temper self Naka always
+3 attack and damage tests and physical defense monstrous mantle Uhrd rounds
+4 physical armor mage armor Achamas dungeon
+5 mystical armor soul armor Achamas minutes
step 39 healing using one recovery test recovery Achamas when needed


Attribute sum step racial start improve items LP-cost
Dexterity 22 9 11 +8 +3 4200
Strength 7 4 4 +1 +2 2100
Toughness 14 6 8 +3 +3 4200
Perception 14 6 11 +2 +1 800
Willpower 17 7 10 +4 +3 4200
Charisma 12 5 12 -1 +1 800


starting values:

  • Karma Ritual 3 (-600)
  • Missile Weapons 3 (-600)
  • Mystic Aim 2 (-300)


  • Speak Language 2 (-500)
  • Read/Write Language 1 (-200)
  • Research 3 (-1000)
talent rank step action K /S att LP-cost source item (steps)
Astral Sight 5 11 simple 1 PER (6) 1900 R 1
Karma Ritual 9 - - 0 - 13600 D1 1 / D2 / D3
Missile Weapons 9 22 (26) std 0 DEX (9) 13600 D1 1 / O2 +4 (ring of dric)
Mystic Aim 9 15 std 1 PER (6) 13900 D1 1
Throwing Weapons 9 22 std 0 DEX (9) 14200 D1 1 / O2 / O3 +4 (ring of dric)
True Shot 9 22 (26) std 0 DEX (9) 14200 D1 1 +4 (ring of dric)
Avoid Blow 9 22 free 1 DEX (9) 14200 O1 1 / O3 +4 (defensive item)
Tracking 9 15 std 1 PER (6) 14200 O1 1
Direction Arrow 3 9 std 2 PER (6) 600 D1 2
Durability (Archer: 6/5) 9 - - 0 - 14200 O1 2
Flame Arrow 9 16 (20 / +1 strain) free y / 1 WIL (7) 14200 O1 2
Anticipate Blow 9 15 simple 1 PER (6) 14200 D1 3
Melee Weapons 9 18 std 0 DEX (9) 14200 O1 3 / O2 / O3
Silent Walk 9 18 simple 0 DEX (9) 14200 O1 3
Arrow Weaving 9 15 std 0 PER (6) 14200 D1 4
Sprint 9 - simple y / 1 - 14200 O1 4
Long Shot 9 15 simple y / 0 PER (6) 14200 O1 4
Stopping Aim 1 6 std 1 CHA (5) 200 D1 5
Steel Thought 9 20 free 1 WIL (7) 23000 O1 5 / D2 +4 (defensive item)
Creature Analysis 1 7 std 1 PER (6) 200 O1 5
Bank Shot 8 21 (25) std 1 DEX (9) 14100 D1 6 +4 (ring of dric)
Evidence Analysis 1 7 sus 1 PER (6) 200 O1 6
Call Missile 1 7 std 1 PER (6) 200 O1 6
Impressive Shot 8 21 (25) std 1 DEX (9) 14100 D1 7 +4 (ring of dric)
Climbing 1 10 std 0 DEX (9) 200 O1 7
Great Leap 1 10 free 1 DEX (9) 200 O1 7
Second Shot 9 22 (26) simple 1 DEX (9) 23000 D1 8 +4 (ring of dric)
Empathic Sense 1 6 std 1 CHA (5) 200 O1 8
Lip Reading 1 6 std y / 1 CHA (5) 200 O1 8
Eagle Eye 1 7 simple 1 PER (6) 300 D1 9
Critical Hit 1 - free y / 0 - 300 O1 9
Rushing Attack 1 - simple 2 - 300 O1 9
Evaluate 1 7 std 0 PER (6) 200 D2 1
Forge Weapon 5 11 sus 1 PER (6) 3100 D2 1
Haggle 1 6 sus 0 CHA (5) 200 D2 1 / O3
Parry 1 10 free 1 DEX (9) 200 O2 1
Speak Language 7 13 std 1* PER (6) 8100 O1 / O2 1 / O3
Item History 6 12 sus 0 PER (6) 5200 D2 2 / D3
Fireblood 8 14 std 0 TOU (6) 14100 O2 2
Heartening Laugh 1 6 std y / 0 CHA (5) 200 O1 / O2 2 / O3
Abate Curse 6 13 std 1 WIL (7) 5200 D2 3
Read/Write Language 6 12 std 1* PER (6) 5200 O2 3 / O3
First Impression 6 11 std 0 CHA (5) 5200 O1 / O2 3 / D3
Thread Smithing 1 7 std 0 PER (6) 200 D2 4
Detect Weapon 1 7 std 1 PER (6) 200 O1 / O2 4
Wound Balance 8 12 free 0 STR (4) 14100 O2 4
Temper Self 8 15 sus 0 WIL (7) 22800 D2 5
Temper Other 8 15 sus 0 WIL (7) 22800 O2 5
Detect Trap 1 7 std 1 PER (6) 300 O2 5
Lion Heart 1 8 free 0 WIL (7) 300 D2 6
Resist Taunt 8 19 free 1 WIL (7) 22800 O2 6 / D3 +4 (defensive item)
Leadership 1 6 sus y / 0 CHA (5) 300 O2 6
Spot Armor Flaw 8 14 simple 0 PER (6) 22800 D2 7
Fire Heal 1 8 sus 0 WIL (7) 300 O2 7
Read/Write Magic 1 7 std 0 PER (6) 300 O2 7
Forge Armor 1 7 sus 2 PER (6) 300 D2 8
Shield Charge 1 5 free 1 STR (4) 300 O2 8
Elemental Tongues 1 7 sus y / 1 PER (6) 300 O2 8
Impress 1 6 std 1 CHA (5) 300 D3 1
Mimic Voice 1 6 simple 0 CHA (5) 300 D3 1
Emotion Song 1 6 sus 0 CHA (5) 300 O3 1
Disguise Self 3 9 std 0 PER (6) 1600 D3 2
Etiquette 1 6 sus 0 CHA (5) 300 O3 2
Empathic Sense 4 9 std 1* CHA (5) 2900 D3 3
Lasting Impression 1 6 std 0 CHA (5) 300 O3 3
Winning Smile 1 6 simple 1 CHA (5) 300 O3 3
Story Weaving 1 7 std 0 PER (6) 300 D3 4
Taunt 5 10 simple 1 CHA (5) 5000 O3 4
Inspire Others 1 6 std 0 CHA (5) 500 D3 5
Research 6 12 sus 0 PER (6) 13600 O3 5
Performance 1 6 simple y / 1 CHA (5) 500 O3 5
Book Memory 1 8 std y / 0 WIL (7) 500 O3 6
Diplomacy 1 6 sus 0 CHA (5) 500 O3 6
sum LP

talent knacks

knack talent talent rank LP-cost K/S notes
Fire Arrow Flame Arrow 5 800 1 +2 on bow damage
Explosive Flame Arrow Flame Arrow 8 3400 4 normal damage for target, ball of flame with flame arrow rank yards radius (half in hexes), all targets in radius hit with one result level higher get the same damage
Stable Aim Mystic Aim 9 (-2) 2100 1* mystic aim stays for duration (*1 additional strain per attack)
Forge Arrow Forge Weapon 5 (-2) 500 2 forging missiles, size like weapon, damage step 1, Forge Weapon rank missiles at once
Placed Shot Missile Weapons 7 (-2) 800 2 aggressive attack with missile weapons, reduces movement to 2 yards (1 hex)
Ghostmaster ritual (Archer) Arrow Weaving 7 2100 -


starting values:

  • Artisan: comedy 1 (-200)
  • Knowledge: magic 2 (-500)
  • Alchemy 3 (-1000)
  • Physician 2 (-500)
skill rank step action strain att LP-cost notes
Artisan: comedy 1 6 sustained 0 CHA (5) 0
Knowledge: magic 2 8 standard 0 PER (6) 0
Alchemy 6 12 standard 0 PER (6) 4200
Physician 6 12 standard 0 PER (6) 4700
Forgery 6 15 sustained 0 DEX (9) 5200


Arrow's Eye View 1 strain archer looks through shot arrow
Create Arrow 1 strain per arrow creating arrow from magical energy
Traveling Smithy 1 strain per hour with tools and fire the weaponsmith can create an impromptu workshop
One Last Word once for failed action test against social defense for 2 strain a karma can be rolled to add to the result


thread items

item type ranks LP-cost weight
Aturas Bogen thread, weapon 9 37200 11oz.
Die fliegenden Gärten von Persis thread, armor, homunculus 9 60200
Physical Defensive Item thread 9 14200
Spell Defensive Item thread 9 14200
Social Defensive Item thread 9 14200
ring of dric thread 4 1100
each rank +1 on ranged and throwing weapons
group-item regions group 5 1900
1: negative effects averted
2: Flame Arrow (4 hex)
3: effects on self work
4: Spot Armor Flaw (16 hex)
5: Mystic Aim (25 hex)
Horror Püppchen des Uhrd group 6 3200
1: block horror-mark for horror
2: spell defense +1 against horror
3: mystic armor +1 against horror
4: targeted effects work against horror
5: spell defense +2 against horror
6: mystic armor +2 against horror

standard items

item type values weight
Windling Bow weapon 14 oz.
12 poison arrows mun step 9 (TSD)
4 poison arrows mun SD 8, step 8 dmg, mys.
Blowgun weapon 8 oz.
Quiver 2 oz.
hide armor armor 5/1/-1 5
espagra-scale cloak armor 3/1/-0 (-1 if layered) 2

Money: 3999 silver


weapon attack damage range notes
Aturas bow missile + 4 15 = 9 (bow) + 2 (arrow) + 4 (STR) 41 - 80 (21 - 40) lights, elements (fire, water), forge arrow
Windling bow missile 11 = 5 (bow) + 2 (arrow) + 4 (STR) 25 - 48 (13 - 24) fully forged, forge arrow
Blowgun missile 6 = 2 (blowgun) + 4 (STR) 9 - 16 (5 - 8) (fully forged)
Dagger melee/throw 7 = 3 (dagger) + 4 (STR) 11 - 20 (6 - 10) (fully forged)
Windling sword melee 8 = 4 (dagger) + 4 (STR) 11 - 20 (6 - 10) (fully forged)

other values

Can use Karma on DEX-only, PER-only, WIL-only, CHA-only tests, recovery-tests, ranged combat damage tests and damage tests with self-created weapons.

value formula
physical defense 21 11 (DEX) + 2 (windling) + 2 (archer circle 8) + 5 (defensive item) + 1 (move form)
deflection bonus 4/1 2/0 (helmet hide armor) + 2/1 (shield form)
armor defeating (p) 40 36 (result level) + 4 (deflection bonus)
spell defense 18 8 (PER) + 2 (weaponsmith circle 8) + 5 (defensive item) + 3 (astral shield)
armor defeating (s) 31 30 (result level) + 1 (deflection bonus)
social defense 13 7 (CHA) + 1 (troubadour circle 2) + 5 (defensive item)
physical armor 17 5 (hide armor) + 3 (espagra cloak) + 3 (air armor) + 3 (armor form) + 3 (shield form)
mystical armor 15 1 (hide armor) + 1 (espagra cloak) + 2 (WIL) + 9 (armor form) + 2 (shield form)
movement rate 8/9 3/8 (windling) + 4/0 (quicken pace) + 1/1 (move form)
carrying capacity 30 40 (STR)
maximum karma 54 9 (karma ritual) * 6 (windling)
initiative 9 9 (DEX) - 1 (hide armor) - 1 (espagra cloak) - 1 (shield form) + 3 (move form)
death rating 98 36 (TOU) + 6 * 9 (durability) + 8 (temper self)
unconsciousness 81 28 (TOU) + 5 * 9 (durability) + 8 (temper self)
wound threshold 18 10 (TOU) + 8 (temper self)
recovery tests 3 3 (TOU)
perception tests 5 6 (PER) - 1 (helmet)
knockdown tests 11 4 (STR) + 7 (Wound Balance)

legend points spended

total received 664.100
attribute improvements 16.300
talent improvements 472.900
talent-knacks 9.700
skills 14.100
karma 2.800
thread items 146.200
total spent 662.000
current 2.100

cumulative legend point helper table

rank Novice Journeyman / Skills Warden Master
1 100 200 300 500
2 300 500 800 1300
3 600 1000 1600 2600
4 1100 1800 2900 4700
5 1900 3100 5000 8100
6 3200 5200 8400 13600
7 5300 8600 13900 22500
8 8700 14100 22800 36900
9 14200 23000 37200 60200
10 23100 37400 60500 97900
ed/naka.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/09/05 12:07 von