



  • Elf, männlich
  • Arcanist 10
  • neutral evil


  • Explorer’s Outfit
  • Tunic of Careful Casting
    • Caster level 3
  • Runestone of Power L1 x4
    • Caster level 17
  • Wand of Infernal Healing
    • CL 1
    • 23 charges
  • Wand of Magic Missile
    • Caster level 3
    • 28 charges
  • Wand of Stone Shape
    • Caster level 7
    • 22 charges
  • Dagger
  • Buckler +1 (mithral)
    • Caster level 3
  • Cloak of Resistance +2
    • Slot: shoulders
    • Caster level 5
  • Headband of Intelligence +4
  • Belt of Constitution +2
  • Ring of Protection +1
    • Slot: ring
    • Caster level 5
    • 2000 gp
  • Wizard’sKit
    • backpack
    • bedroll
    • belt pouch
    • flint and steel
    • ink
    • inkpen
    • iron pot
    • mess kit
    • soap
    • spell component pouch
    • torches (10)
    • trail rations (5 days)
    • waterskin
  • Rope, silk (50 ft.)
  • Scroll case x5
  • Traveling Spellbook x3
    • 50 pages
    • Book lariat
  • Acid Flask x1
  • Snap Leaf
    • 1 use Feather Fall
  • 23180 gp



Abilitiy Start Value Increase Total Value
Strength 10 0 10
Dexterity 17 0 17
Constitution 11 1 12
Intelligence 19 1 20
Wisdom 12 0 12
Charisma 17 0 17


Skill Class Skill Rank
Acrobatics 3
Appraise x 1
Bluff -
Climb -
Craft x -
Diplomacy x 4
Disable Device -
Disguise -
Escape Artist -
Fly x 4
Handle Animal -
Heal -
Intimidate -
Knowledge (arcana) x 10
Knowledge (dungeoneering) x 10
Knowledge (engineering) x 1
Knowledge (geography) x 1
Knowledge (history) x 1
Knowledge (local) x 1
Knowledge (nature) x 1
Knowledge (nobility) x 1
Knowledge (planes) x 1
Knowledge (religion) x 1
Linguistics x 1
Perception 5
Perform -
Profession x -
Ride -
Sense Motive x 4
Sleight of Hand -
Spellcraft x 10
Stealth -
Survival -
Swim -
Use Magic Device x 10


Traveling Spellbook 1

Traveling Spellbook 2

Traveling Spellbook 3


Experience Points

Gesamt ?

Favored class

  • Arcanist


  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Elven
  • Elven Immunities:
    • Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
  • Urbanite:
    • Elves who live in cities for more than a century can grow to know the ebb and flow of social situations just as their forest-dwelling cousins know the rules of the wild. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation.
    • This racial trait replaces keen senses.
  • Elven Magic:
    • Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
  • Arcane Focus:
    • Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively.
    • This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
  • Low-Light Vision:
    • Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Level 1: Arcanist 1

  • Hp: 6 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +0
  • Class Saves: +0(Fort), +0(Ref), +2(Will)
  • Class Skills: Appraise, Craft, Fly, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Profession, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Character Feat: Extra Arcanist Exploit: Aspect of Innocence (Su)
  • Trait: Asmodean Acolyte
    • Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy, Knowledge (planes), and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you. You also know the Infernal tongue (this does not count toward your number of languages).
  • Trait: Outcast's Intuition
    • You are able to sense the motives of others and use that sense to bolster your magic against dispelling.
    • Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you. In addition, your caster level is treated as 1 level higher for the purposes of any attempts to dispel your magic.
  • Languages:
    • Abyssal (Linguistics)
    • Celestial
    • Draconic
    • Gnome
    • Infernal (Trait)
    • Sylvan
  • Weapon Proficiency: all simple weapons
  • Armor Proficiency: none
  • Arcane Reservoir (Su)
    • 3 + the arcanist’s level
  • Arcanist Exploit: Quick Study (Su)
  • Consume Spell (Su)
  • Spells per Day: 2
  • Spells Prepared: 4/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 0
      • all
    • Level 1
      • Burning Hands
      • Cause Fear
      • Identify
      • Infernal Healing
      • Magic Missile
      • Mage Armor
      • Vanish

Level 2: Arcanist 2

  • Hp: 4 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Class Saves: +0(Fort), +0(Ref), +3(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Spells per Day: 3
  • Spells Prepared: 5/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 1
      • Alarm
      • Charm Person

Level 3: Arcanist 3

  • Hp: 2 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +1(Ref), +3(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Character Feat: Extra Arcanist Exploit: Charmer (Su)
  • Arcanist Exploit: Dimensional Slide (Su)
  • Spells per Day: 4
  • Spells Prepared: 5/3
  • Spellbook
    • Level 1
      • Monkey Fish
      • Mount

Level 4: Arcanist 4

  • Hp: 2 (d6)
  • Ability Score Increase: Intelligence
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +2
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +1(Ref), +4(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7+3
  • Spells per Day: 4/2
  • Spells Prepared: 6/3/1
  • Spellbook
    • Level 2
      • Blindness/Deafness
      • Scorching Ray

Level 5: Arcanist 5

  • Hp: 3 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +2
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +1(Ref), +4(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Character Feat: Extra Reservoir
  • Arcanist Exploit: Potent Magic (Su)
  • Spells per Day: 4/3
  • Spells Prepared: 6/4/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 2
      • Blur
      • See Invisibility

Level 6: Arcanist 6

  • Hp: 4 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +3
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +2(Ref), +5(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/2
  • Spells Prepared: 7/4/2/1
  • Spellbook
    • Level 3
      • Haste
      • Vampiric Touch

Level 7: Arcanist 7

  • Hp: 5 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +3
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +2(Ref), +5(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Character Feat: Expanded Preparation (2x Level 2)
  • Arcanist Exploit: Counterspell
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/3
  • Spells Prepared: 7/5/3/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 3
      • Darkvision, Communal
      • Pain Strike

Level 8: Arcanist 8

  • Hp: 2 (d6)
  • Ability Score Increase: Constitution
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +4
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +2(Ref), +6(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/2
  • Spells Prepared: 8/5/3/2/1
  • Spellbook
    • Level 4
      • Dimensional Anchor
      • Fire Shield

Level 9: Arcanist 9

  • Hp: 4 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +4
  • Class Saves: +3(Fort), +3(Ref), +6(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Character Feat: Expanded Preparation (2x Level 3)
  • Arcanist Exploit: Metamagic Knowledge (Maximize Spell)
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/3
  • Spells Prepared: 8/5/4/3/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 4
      • Greater Flaming Sphere
      • Solid Fog

Level 10: Arcanist 10

  • Hp: 3 (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +5
  • Class Saves: +3(Fort), +3(Ref), +7(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/4/2
  • Spells Prepared: 9/5/4/3/2/1
  • Spellbook
    • Level 5
      • Break Enchantment
      • Teleport

Level 11: Arcanist 11

  • Hp: ? (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +5
  • Class Saves: +3(Fort), +3(Ref), +7(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Character Feat: Expanded Preparation (2x Level 4)
  • Greater Exploits
  • Arcanist Exploit: Counter Drain
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/4/3
  • Spells Prepared: 9/5/5/4/3/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 5
      • ?
      • ?

Level 12: Arcanist 12

  • Hp: ? (d6)
  • Ability Score Increase: Dexterity
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +6
  • Class Saves: +4(Fort), +4(Ref), +8(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/4/4/2
  • Spells Prepared: 9/5/5/4/3/2/1
  • Spellbook
    • Level 6
      • ?
      • ?

Level 13: Arcanist 13

  • Hp: ? (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +6
  • Class Saves: +4(Fort), +4(Ref), +8(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Character Feat: Expanded Preparation (2x Level 5)
  • Arcanist Exploit: ?
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/4/4/3
  • Spells Prepared: 9/5/5/4/4/3/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 6
      • ?
      • ?

Level 14: Arcanist 14

  • Hp: ? (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +7
  • Class Saves: +4(Fort), +4(Ref), +9(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/4/4/4/2
  • Spells Prepared: 9/5/5/4/4/3/2
  • Spellbook
    • Level 7
      • ?
      • ?

Level 15: Arcanist 15

  • Hp: ? (d6)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Hp +1
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +7
  • Class Saves: +5(Fort), +5(Ref), +9(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 7
  • Character Feat: Expanded Preparation (2x Level 6)
  • Arcanist Exploit: ?
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/4/4/4/4/3
  • Spells Prepared: 9/5/5/4/4/4/3
  • Spellbook
    • Level 7
      • ?
      • ?
hell/legofernandez.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/15 11:01 von pogo-baer