


Hell's Vengeance Loot


  • Gehalt p.P.: 28.150 (insgesamt)
  • Ausschüttung p.P.: 69.000 (insgesamt)
  • aktuelles Gold & Edelsteine: 27.623


  • potions/consumables:
    • [2] potions of remove disease
    • spider climb
    • [21] flasks of alchemist’s fire
    • [2] flasks of holy water
    • [2] healers kit
    • [4] lesser restoration
  • ammo
    • [320] arrows → Tobias
    • [100] bolts → Malcolm
    • dragonslayer → Tobias
    • [10] +1 devil-bane → Tobias
  • wands
    • shield of faith (30 charges)
    • wand of prayer (15 charges) → Tobias
    • [4] infernal healing → Tobias, Stefan
    • [2] cure light wounds → Mnementh
  • scrolls
    • [3] dispel magic → Malcolm
    • cure critical wounds
    • greater dispel magic
  • staffs
    • healing → Tobias
  • materials:
    • adamantite/mithral 1 lb
    • angelskin (35 gp)
    • diamond dust (worth 500 gp) → Stefan
  • sammlerstücke
    • amphore wein (sammlerwert 50gp) - ansonsten lecker für Riesen
  • bandages of rapid recovery
  • portable hole
  • 7 light horses
  • chili pulver mit 24 totenköpfen (+5 craft alchemy[chili])
  • chili rezept (+5 craft alchemy[chili])
  • silver holy symbol Iomedae with continual flame (like everburning torch)
  • climber’s kit
  • crowbar
  • artefakte


anzahl price sell ausschüttung gehalt/boni item/bemerkung PC
3150 bisheriges gehalt → alle
43500 bisherige ausschüttung → alle
6203 alte gruppenkasse
1250 chain shirt +1 → Tobias
2 -1188 eyes of the eagle (selfmade) → Mnemneth, Malcolm
750 snapleaf (slotless, einmalig feather fall + invisibility) → Stefan
5 spell component pouch → Malcolm
8000 Shirt of Immolation → Tom
302 mwk dagger → Stefan
2 1000 cloak of resistance +1 → Tom, Stefan
2 2000 ring of protection +1 → Tom, Jörgen
4000 belt +2 STR → Tom
2005 +1 buckler (mithral) → Stefan
10 12,5 potions monkey fish → alle (2 stück)
8000 ring of mind shielding → Tobias
3400 ioun stone +1FOR cracked amber spindle (3.400) → Malcolm
10000 reverse cauldron of flying (5000g verkaufswert) → Malcolm
1800 efficient quiver → Malcolm
3600 wand of fly (16ldg) → Malcolm
2100 wand cure crit (5 ldg) → Malcolm
2 2000 ring of protection +1→ Stefan, Malcolm
5014 Adamantite Fauchard +1→ Tom
2 8900 +1 flaming composite longbow [+5 Str bonus])→ Tom, Tobias
2000 handy haversack → Malcolm
5000 Tunic of Careful Casting (chest slot) → Stefan
8000 amulet of natural armor +2 → Tobias
2000 amulet of natural armor +1 ← Tobias → Malcolm
4000 headband INT +2 → Malcolm
2700 wand of heroism (12 charges) → Malcolm
2 18308 18308 morningstar +3
2 18315 18315 longsword holy +1 (3)
20000 -10000 portable hole (selfmade)
29600 -29600 staff of healing → Tobias
1250 625 bag of holding (type I)
50320 5032 cursed vicious wounding rapier +2 (5) (10%)
50320 5032 cursed rapier of puncturing (10%)
21000 1000 gp + 20000 gp
2315 1158 dolch +1
4 1175 2350 +1 studded leather
4 1500 3000 javelin of lightning
7050 3525 +2 glamered breastplate
4050 2025 +1 glamered greatsword
-45000 7500 ausschüttung 17.3.2022 → alle
8000 sidequests 3000+5000 → alle
8312 heavy mace +1 human bane → Marian
9000 cloak +3 res → Jörgen
1000 500 res +1 ← Jörgen
2534 100 gp schmerzensgeld, 28, 150, 53, 100, 1453, 100, 450, 100
5 2100 4200 +1 mithral chain shirt → Tom
4 2308 3450 +1 kukri→ Marian
2 5500 boots od striding and springing → Tom, Malcolm
3000 1500 ring of ferocious action
1175 588 +1 studded leather
4170 2085 +2 heavy steel shield
5000 2500 amulet of mighty fists +1
4000 2000 belt of giant strength +2
8312 4156 +2 heavy mace
3500 1750 mind sentinel medallion
10 5 cleric’s vestments, spell component pouch
2306 1153 handaxe +1 ← Marian
8310 +1 keen short sword → Marian
1100 550 mithral shirt
4 4000 8000 cloak of resistance +2
2345 1173 +1 sword cane
302 151 mwk dagger
16000 bracers of armor +4 → Malcolm
3 2000 3000 ring of protection +1← Marian
80 40 noble’s outfit, signet ring
4000 2000 belt of con +2 ← Stefan
10000 belt of physical might +2 (Dex, Con) → Stefan
10100 +2 human-defiant mithral chain shirt → Tom
2325 1163 +1 spiked chain
8000 ring of protection +2 → Marian
25000 25.000 pro nase gehalt
20000 20.000 greifenkopfgeld
4165 2083 +2 hide armor
2315 1158 +1 shock scimitar
2500 eyes of the eagle → Marian
6150 3075 +1 elven chain
3 315 473 mwk longsword
4 505 1010 mithral daggers
375 188 mwk longbow
980 480 magus spellabook
2 5650 5650 +2 full plate
2 2310 2310 +1 ranseur
3 1000 1500 amulet of natural armor +1
2175 1088 necklace of fireballs (type III)
105 53 wand of shield of faith (7 charges)
1350 675 +1 breastplate
1170 585 +1 heavy steel shield
312 156 mwk heavy mace
335 168 mwk light crossbow
1000 500 cloak of resistance +1
4000 2000 headband of inspired wisdom +2
-60000 10000 ausschüttung 18.6.2022 → alle
3700 3.700
0 spoon of cauldron rezizing
0 bracers of Marian
2860 1430 a6 wizard spell book all 1, all 2, 2*3 1*4
16 600 4800 half plate
16 1315 10520 longsword +1
500 kirchen loot
8 1350 5400 great sword +1
2 8600 8600 comp (2) longbow +1 shock
24 1500 18000 full plate
8 2650 10600 full plate +1
13 5650 36725 full plate +2
9400 ritualzeugs + kistchen
2 4900 4900 Incense of Meditation
2 4000 4000
20000 ring of wizardry I → Pogo
5000 spellguard bracers → Pogo
wand of fly (23 charges) → Malcolm
10000 büchersammlung 1200 pounds
2 5500 5500 scroll of greater planar ally (8)
3000 1500 scroll of greater planar binding (8)
10000 anarchic metal shapings and holy metal shapings
18308 9154 morning star +3
18315 9158 longsword +3 flaming
GODCLAW GAUNTLETS destruction -6000
315 158 mkw longsword
375 188 mwk lonbow
1170 585 +1 heavy steel shield
9 4170 18765 +2 heavy steel shield
6500 3250 horn of goodness/evil
4 potions of cure serious wounds → Malcolm
4 potions of lesser restoration → gruppenloot
4000 2000 a jar of restorative ointment
4 8350 16700 greatsword +1 devil bane
11000 -11000 resurrection + restoration → Mnementh
4350 2175 +2 breastplate
2330 1165 +1 dwarven waraxe
1000 500 amulet of natural armor +1
8000 4000 belt of giant strength +4
8 2312 9248 +1 heavy mace
1125 -1125 scroll breath of life→ Malcolm
anzahl price sell ausschüttung gehalt/boni item/bemerkung PC
  • spellbook Faydreth Zayne
    • =0= all spells
    • =1= alarm, hold portal, mage armor, vanish, identify, magic missile, mount
    • =2= false life, glitterdust, mirror image (banned), scorching ray, create pit, resist energy
    • =3= dispel magic, lightning bolt, spiked pit, explosive runes, fireball, fly, sepia snake sigil
    • =4= dimension door, wall of ice, stoneskin
    • (15 + 15x0x5, 7x1x10, 6x2x40, 7x3x90, 3x4x160)/2 = 755
  • bottle of bull strength
    • [spell level x CL x 1.800 divided by (5 divided by charges per day) ] multiplied by 2 (no space limitation)
    • 2 * 3 * 1.800 / (5/1) * 2 = 4.320
  • spellbook portal
    • =1= Charm Person, Feather Fall, Aphasia
    • =2= Acid Arrow, See Invisibility, web shelter
    • =3= Hostile Levitation, Conjure Carriage, Heroism
    • (15 + 0x0x5, 3x1x10, 3x2x40, 3x3x90, 0x4x160)/2 = 173
  • magus spellbook
    • =0= alle spells
    • =1= grease , magic missile, mount, shield, shocking grasp
    • =2= bull’s strength, defensive shock, frigid touch, scorching ray
    • =3= fireball , force punch, greater magic weapon, haste
    • =4= dimension door, wreath of blades
    • (15 + 15x0x5, 5x1x10, 4x2x40, 4x3x90, 2x4x160)/2 = 490
  • wizard spell book A6
    • =0= alle spells
    • =1= alle spells
    • =2= alle spells
    • =3= ???, ???
    • =4= ???
    • (15 + 15x0x5, 39x1x10, 51x2x40, 2x3x90, 1x4x160)/2 = 2.860

vergangene Ausschüttungen

  • 2.8.2020 → 1.000 p.P.
  • 10.9.2020 → 3.500 p.P.
  • 22.1.2021 → 8.000 p.P.
  • 12.2.2021 → 4.000 p.P.
  • 11.5.2021 → 4.000 p.P.
  • 25.06.2021 → 11.000 p.P.
  • 07.01.2022 → 12.000 p.P.
  • 17.03.2022 → 7.500 p.P.
  • 18.06.2022 → 10.000 p.P.
hell/loot.1698787491.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/06 15:07 von