



  • Spieler: Stefan
  • Mensch, männlich
  • Barbarian 8, Rogue 4
  • chaotic neutral

bla bla bla Shoanti vom Axt-Clan (Shadde-Quah) bla bla bla Ödipuskomplex bla bla bla verlässt Clan bla bla bla schließt sich varisianischem Wanderzikus an, wo er Todd kennenlernt bla bla bla Preisboxer bla bla bla wählt nach den Ereignissen in Sandpoint einen einträglicheren Beruf (Held/Grabräuber)


  • Mithral breastplate +5
    • Slot: torso
    • Caster level 15
    • 29.200 gp
  • Cloak of resistance +5
    • Slot: shoulders
    • Caster level 5
    • 25.000 gp
  • Belt of physical perfection +4
    • Slot: belt
    • Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4
    • Caster level 12
    • 10.000 gp
  • Winged Boots
    • Slot: feet
    • Caster level 8
    • 16.000 gp
  • Amulet of natural armor +3
    • Slot: neck
    • Caster level 5
    • 18.000 gp
  • Sihedron Ring
    • Slot: ring
    • Deflection +3
    • Resistance +3
    • Kleidung ändern
    • Caster level ?
    • ? gp
  • Ring of freedom of movement
    • Slot: ring
    • Caster level 7
    • 40.000 gp
  • Greataxe +5
    • Caster level 15
    • 50.640 gp
  • Gauntlet +1
    • Ghost touch
    • Caster level 9
    • 8.302 gp
  • Dagger
    • 2 gp
  • Composite longbow masterworked
    • max. Strength Bonus +3
  • 9.600 gp



Abilitiy Start Value Increase Total Value
Strength 19 +1 20
Dexterity 14 0 14
Constitution 15 +1 16
Intelligence 9 0 9
Wisdom 7 +1 8
Charisma 10 0 10


Skill BarbarianRogue Rank
Acrobatics x x 15
Appraise x 0
Bluff x 0
Climb x x 9
Craft x x -
Diplomacy x 0
Disable Device x -
Disguise x 0
Escape Artist x 7
Fly 3
Handle Animal x 1
Heal 0
Intimidate x x 15
Knowledge (arcana) -
Knowledge (dungeoneering) x -
Knowledge (engineering) -
Knowledge (geography) -
Knowledge (history) -
Knowledge (local) x -
Knowledge (nature) x -
Knowledge (nobility) -
Knowledge (planes) -
Knowledge (religion) -
Linguistics x 1
Perception x x 1
Perform x 0
Profession x -
Ride x 1
Sense Motive x 1
Sleight of Hand x 3
Spellcraft -
Stealth x 14
Survival x 1
Swim x x 10
Use Magic Device x -


Experience Points

Gesamt 902.020

Favored class

  • Barbarian

Level 1: Barbarian 1

  • Hp: 12 (d12)
  • Favored class bonus: Skillpoint
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Human feat: Totem Spirit (Shadde-Quah)
  • Character feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
  • Weapon proficiency: all simple and martial weapons
  • Armor proficiency: light armor, medium armor, shields (except tower shields)
  • Fast Movement (Ex)
  • Rage (Ex)

Level 2: Rogue 1

  • Hp: 6 (d8)
  • Skillpoints: 9
  • Weapon proficiency: all simple weapons, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword
  • Armor proficiency: light armor
  • Sneak attack +1d6
  • Trap finding

Level 3: Barbarian 2

  • Hp: 9 (d12)
  • Favored class bonus: Hitpoint
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character feat: Intimidating Prowess
  • Rage power: Intimidating Glare (Ex)
  • Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Level 4: Rogue 2

  • Hp: 3 (d8)
  • Ability score increase: Strength
  • Skillpoints: 9
  • Evasion (Ex)
  • Rogue talent: Weapon Training → Weapon focus (Greataxe)

Level 5: Barbarian 3

  • Hp: 10 (d12)
  • Favored class bonus: Hitpoint
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character feat: Dazzling Display
  • Trap sense +1 (Ex)

Level 6: Rogue 3

  • Hp: 8 (d8)
  • Skillpoints: 9
  • Sneak attack +2d6
  • Trap sense +1 → Trap sense +2 (Ex)

Level 7: Rogue 4

  • Hp: 7 (d8)
  • Skillpoints: 9
  • Character feat: Improved Grapple
  • Rogue talent: Combat Trick → Greater Grapple
  • Uncanny dodge → Improved uncanny dodge (Ex)

Level 8: Barbarian 4

  • Hp: 1 (d12)
  • Ability score increase: Constitution
  • Favored class bonus: Skillpoint
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Rage power: Strength Surge (Ex)

Level 9: Barbarian 5

  • Hp: 3 (d12)
  • Favored class bonus: Skillpoint
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Character feat: Power Attack
  • Improved uncanny dodge (Ex)

Level 10: Barbarian 6

  • Hp: 11 (d12)
  • Favored class bonus: Skillpoint
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Rage power: Moment of Clarity (Ex)
  • Trap sense +2 (Ex)

Level 11: Barbarian 7

  • Hp: 11 (d12)
  • Favored class bonus: Skillpoint
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Character feat: Nimble Moves
  • Damage Reduction 1/-

Level 12: Barbarian 8

  • Hp: 3 (d12)
  • Ability score increase: Wisdom
  • Favored class bonus: Skillpoint
  • Skillpoints: 6
  • Rage power: Clear Mind (Ex)
party/eisenfaust/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/09/05 12:07 von