Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha |
5 | 19 | 12 | 14 | 17 | 20 |
- BAB +3
- CMB +5
- CMD 12
- AC 16, touch 16, flat footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size)
- Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6
- Init: +8
- Darkvision 60ft
- Low-Light Vision
- detect evil
- detect magic
- DR 5/evil
- Immunity: electricity, petrification
- Resistance: Cold (10), Fire (10)
- Speed 30ft, fly 80ft (perfect)
- Melee slam +2 (1d2-3) reach 0ft
- Size: 2 1/2 ft, reach 0ft
Spell-Like Abilities
CL 3, Concentration +8
- constant: detect evil, detect magic, freedom of movement
- at will: dancing lights, daze (DC 15), summon instrument, ventriloquism (DC 16)
- 1 per day: cure light wounds, lesser confusion (DC 16), silent image (DC 16)
- 1 per week: commune (6 Questions, CL 12)
Starlight Blast (Su)
standard action, once every 1d4 rounds → holy starlight in a 5ft burst.
Damage: 1d4 + 1 point for every alignment step from CG, Ref. negates, DC is Const based
Travelers Friend (Su)
Once per day a creature may spend a minute listening the performance of the Lyrakien → removes exhaustion and fatigue.
- Acrobatics +10
- Bluff +11
- Diplomacy +11
- Fly +12
- Knowledge (any one) +8
- Perception +9
- Perform (any one) +11
- Spellcraft +5
- Stealth +18
Celestial, Draconic, Inferral, Truespeech
party/karaan/lyrakien.1302507529.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/09/05 12:07 (Externe Bearbeitung)