



Rogue 3, Wizard 3, Arcane trickster 10, CL 14 (CL13 +1 durch ioun stone)
Favored class: Wizard

feats at lvl

  • rog 1 weapon finesse , sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
  • wiz 2 scribe scroll, arcane bond (Sp), cantrips, arcane school: conjuration (opp. divination, enchantment)
  • wiz 3 maximize spell
  • wiz 4 INT+1
  • rog 5 craft woundrous items, evasion (Ex), rogue talent: bleeding attack (Ex)
  • rog 6 sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1 (Ex)
  • arc 7 quicken spell, ranged legerdemain (Su)
  • arc 8 INT+1, sneak attack +3d6
  • arc 9 heighten spell, impromptu sneak attack 1/day (Ex)
  • arc 10 sneak attack +4d6
  • arc 11 spell focus: evocation, Tricky Spells 3/day (Su)
  • arc 12 INT+1, sneak attack +5d6
  • arc 13 crafting rods, impromptu sneak attack 2/day (Ex), Tricky Spells 4/day (Su)
  • arc 14 sneak attack +6d6
  • arc 15 spell perfection:elemental touch, Invisible thief (Su), Tricky spells 5/day (Su)
  • arc 16 INT+1, sneak attack +7d6, surprise spells

magic loot

- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
  • Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4 (selfmade) (CL 8th, slot: belt, 16.000)
  • Robe of Runes (CL 13th, slot: body, 66.000)
    • +6 INT (CL 8th, 36.000)
    • 4 Grade an Zaubern zurückholen als free action + für 1R +2 auf AT und DCs für sprüche, wenn ein spruch zurückgeholt wird (CL 9th, 20.000)
    • → 36.000 + 1,5*20.000 = 66.000
  • Vest of Escape (CL 4th, slot: chest, 5.200)
    • +4 competence bonus on Disable Device
    • +6 competence bonus on Escape Artist
  • Eyes Of Eagle (CL 3rd, slot: eyes, 2.500)
    • +5 Perception
  • Boots of Speed (selfmade) (CL8th, slot: feet, 12.000)
  • Glove of Storing (bought) (CL6th, slot: hand, 10.000)
  • Hat of Microsomia (selfmade) (CL 3rd, slot: head, 4.000)
  • Headband of inspired Wisdom +2 (CL 8th, 4.000)
  • Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (selfmade) (CL 5th, slot: neck, 18.000)
  • Ring of Sustenance (bought) (CL 5th, slot: ring, 2.500)
  • Ring Protection+2/Blinking (selfmade) (CL 13th, slot: ring, 42.000)
    • Arcane Bond
    • Ring of Sustenance (CL 5th, 2.500)
    • Ring of Blinking (CL 7th, 27.000)
    • Ring of Protection +2 (CL 5th, 8.000)
    • → 27.000 + 1,5 x 8.000 + 1,5 x 2.500 = 42.000
  • Cloak of Elvenkind/Resistance +5 (selfmade) (CL 7th, slot: schoulders, 28.750)
    • Cloak of Elvenkind (CL 3rd, 2.500)
    • Cloak of Resistance +5 (CL 5th, 25.000)
    • → 1,5 x 2.500 + 25.000 = 28.750
  • Bracers of Armor +6 (selfmade) (CL 7th, slot: wrists, 36.000)
  • Staff of Fire (CL 8th, 18.950)
  • Staff of Hungry Shadows (CL 13th, 65.000)
  • mithral Buckler +5 (bought) (CL 15th, 26.015)
  • Rod of Extend Spell, lesser (CL 17th, 3.000)
  • Rod of Maximize Spell, lesser (bought) (CL 17th, 14.000)
  • Blessed Book (selfmade) (CL 7th, 12.500)
  • Efficient Quiver (selfmade) (CL 9th, 1.800)
  • Ioun Stone +1 AC (selfmade) (CL 12th, 5.000)
  • Ioun Stone +1 CL (selfmade) (CL 12th, 30.000)
  • Monokel des arkanen Sehens (selfmade) (CL 2nd, slot: eyes, 1.000)[nicht angelegt - nur fürs 'knips']
  • [5] Pearl of Power I (selfmade) (CL 17th, 1.000)
  • [2] Pearl of Power II (selfmade) (CL 17th, 4.000)
  • [1] Pearl of Power III (CL 17th, 9.000)
  • scrolls: gease (wiz6, 1.650)
  • Tränke: [35] cure light wounds
party/todd/start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/09/05 12:07 von