

Lesser Vigor Clip

Mantis Blade

The mantis blade is an intelligent +2 axiomatic sawtooth sabre made of red chitin that forms a curved, serrated blade.

It grants its wielder the ability to make a +1d6 sneak attack. This ability functions exactly like the rogue ability of the same name, and stacks with sneak attack bonuses the wielder may already have.

When a creature is wounded with the blade, the wielder can activate the blade’s bane special ability against that type of creature as a swift action. The bane ability lasts for 10 minutes and is usable once per day.

Sacred to the faith of the mantis god Achaekek, the mantis blade also grants bonuses to a Red Mantis assassin who wields it. A Red Mantis assassin wielding the mantis blade gains a +2 bonus to the DC of her prayer attack, and may use her red shroud and fading abilities each an additional time per day.

If a single wielder uses the mantis blade to slay nine rightful ruling monarchs, the weapon can be destroyed by a successful sunder maneuver.


Ring der spontanen Zauberwiederbeschaffung

Wenn verflucht

Erscheint als Ring +3 AC, hat aber keinen solchen Effekt, sondern bewirkt das Gegenteil bei NPCs mit mehr HD, als der Charakter besitzt.

Der Fluch kann gebrochen werden, indem 'Remove Curse' auf den Ring gesprochen und dieser sofort einer Person angesteckt wird, der mehr Arme als der Träger hat. Die Person muss noch am Leben sein und muss in seiner natürlichen Form über die erforderliche Anzahl an Gliedmaßen verfügen.

Der Imp schlug den Girallon oder den großen Affendämon zu diesem Zweck vor.

Nachdem der Fluch gebrochen wurde

Wurde der Fluch gebrochen, wirkt der Ring, wie eine 'Pearl of Power IV'. Er kann von allen Castern benutzt werden, die ihn mindestens eine Woche getragen haben und stellt 4 Grade an Zaubern wieder her: Bspw. einen 3. Grad und einen 1. Grad Zauber.

Im Gegensatz zu Pearls ist das Zurückholen eine 'Swift Action'.

Der Ring ist auch für spontane Caster geeignet.

Ring of Seven Virtues

This bronze band is covered in geometric shapes and studded with tiny pearls.

The wearer of the ring gains a constant endure elements effect and a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks made in jungles.

In Saventh-Yhi, the wearer also enjoys the active benefits of one of that city’s seven spears for as long as she is in that spear’s district. The wearer loses the benefits of a particular spear if she leaves that spear’s district, but gains new active benefits if she enters a new spear’s district. The ring’s wearer can only gain the benefits of a single spear at any one time.

Der Träger hat den Effekt des aktuell aktivierten Speers, egal in welchem Bezirk er sich befindet.

Rod of Well-Deserved Rest

This rod is made of polished gold, and features three blownglass onion domes at one end.

It functions as a +1 light mace.

Up to three times per day, with a successful hit in combat, the wearer may attempt to put the target of the attack asleep (DC 14 Will save negates). This functions as sleep, but there is no limit to the number of Hit Dice that may be affected.

In addition, the wielder may create an opaque sphere of force to protect himself from the elements once per day, as a tiny hut spell with a 5-foot radius. If the wielder goes to sleep with the rod in his possession, 8 hours of sleep provides healing equivalent to a full day of bed rest. Upon waking, the wielder enjoys the benefits of a good hope spell for 1 hour.