



  • Spieler: Stefan
  • Mensch, männlich
  • Bard 7, Fighter 1, Eldritch Knight 8
  • chaotic neutral

Cayden wurde nach dem Gott der Freiheit und des Weines benannt.


  • Amulet of Natural Armor +4
    • Slot: neck
    • Caster level 5
    • 32.000 gp
  • Belt of Physical Might +4
    • Dexterity +4, Constitution +4
    • Slot: belt
    • Caster level 12
    • 40.000 gp
  • Cloak of Resistance +5
    • Slot: shoulders
    • Caster level 5
    • 25.000 gp
  • Dusty Rose Prism (Ioun Stone)
    • +1 insight bonus to AC
    • Slot: -
    • Caster level 12
    • 5.000 gp
  • Efficient Quiver
    • Slot: -
    • Caster level 9
    • 1.800 gp
  • Headband of Alluring Charisma +4
    • Slot: head
    • Caster level 8
    • 16.000 gp
  • Ring of Protection +4
    • Slot: ring
    • Caster level 5
    • 32.000 gp
    • Slot: ring
    • Caster level 20
  • Tunic of Careful Casting
    • +2 bonus on Concentration checks
    • Slot: chest
    • Caster level 3
    • 5.000 gp
  • +2 Mithral Buckler
    • Caster level 6
    • 5.000 gp
  • +5 Mithral Chainshirt
    • Slot: torso
    • Caster level 9
    • 26.100 gp
  • +3 Monstrous Humanoid Bane Composite Longbow
    • max. Strength Bonus +1
    • Caster level 12
    • 36.500 gp
  • Dagger
    • 2 gp
  • +3 Monstrous Humanoid Bane Shortsword
    • Caster level 12
    • 36.315 gp
  • Arrows, Cold Iron (100)
    • 10 gp
  • Arrows, Adamantine (40)
    • 2.400 gp
  • 11.545 gp



Abilitiy Start Value Increase Total Value
Strength 12 0 12
Dexterity 18 +1 19
Constitution 10 0 10
Intelligence 14 0 14
Wisdom 7 +1 8
Charisma 15 +1 16


Skill Class Skill Rank
Acrobatics x 16
Appraise x 1
Bluff x 1
Climb x 1
Craft x -
Diplomacy x 0
Disable Device -
Disguise x 1
Escape Artist x 1
Fly 0
Handle Animal x -
Heal 0
Intimidate x 0
Knowledge (arcana) x 1
Knowledge (dungeoneering) x 1
Knowledge (engineering) x 1
Knowledge (geography) x 1
Knowledge (history) x 1
Knowledge (local) x 1
Knowledge (nature) x 1
Knowledge (nobility) x 1
Knowledge (planes) x 1
Knowledge (religion) x 1
Linguistics x 2
Perception x 10
Perform (oratory) x 15
Perform (percussion) x 15
Profession x -
Ride x 0
Sense Motive x 0
Sleight of Hand x 7
Spellcraft x 7
Stealth x 12
Survival x 1
Swim x 1
Use Magic Device x 14


Level Spells per day Spells known Spells
0 - 6 Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation
1 5 6 Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors, Feather Fall, Grease
2 5 5 Alter Self, Blur, Delay Poison, Cure Moderate Wounds, Glitterdust, Invisibility
3 4 5 Blink, Haste, Dispel Magic, Sculpt Sound, See Invisibility
4 3 4 Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Neutralize Poison, Break Enchantment
5 1 2 Greater Dispel Magic, Mirage Arcana, Seeming


Experience Points

Gesamt ?

Favored class

  • Bard

Level 1: Bard 1

  • Hp: 8 (d8)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +0
  • Class Saves: +0(Fort), +2(Ref), +2(Will)
  • Class Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Human Feat: Point-Blank Shot
  • Character Feat: Arcane Strike
  • Weapon Proficiency: all simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip
  • Armor Proficiency: light armor, all shields (except tower shields)
  • Bardic Knowledge (Ex)
  • Bardic Performance
  • Countersong (Su)
  • Distraction (Su)
  • Fascinate (Su)
  • Inspire Courage (Su)
  • Spell Known (Level 0): Detect Magic
  • Spell Known (Level 0): Know Direction
  • Spell Known (Level 0): Message
  • Spell Known (Level 0): Prestidigitation
  • Spell Known (Level 1): Grease
  • Spell Known (Level 1): Hideous Laughter
  • Spells per Day: 1

Level 2: Bard 2

  • Hp: 8 (d8)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Class Saves: +0(Fort), +3(Ref), +3(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Well-versed (Ex)
  • Versatile Performance (oratory) (Ex)
  • Spell Known (Level 0): Dancing Lights
  • Spell Known (Level 1): Animate Rope
  • Spells per Day: 2

Level 3: Bard 3

  • Hp: 7 (d8)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +2
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +3(Ref), +3(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Character Feat: Precise Shot
  • Inspire Competence +2 (Su)
  • Spell Known (Level 0): Mage Hand
  • Spell Known (Level 1): Feather Fall
  • Spells per Day: 3

Level 4: Bard 4

  • Hp: 8 (d8)
  • Ability Score Increase: Charisma
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +3
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +4(Ref), +4(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Spell Known (Level 2): Glitterdust
  • Spell Known (Level 2): Invisibility
  • Spells per Day: 3/1

Level 5: Bard 5

  • Hp: 8 (d8)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +3
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +4(Ref), +4(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Character Feat: Eschew Materials
  • Inspire Courage +2
  • Lore Master 1/day
  • Spell Known (Level 2): Blur
  • Spells per Day: 4/2

Level 6: Bard 6

  • Hp: 1 (d8)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +4
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +5(Ref), +5(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Suggestion (Sp)
  • Versatile Performance (percussion) (Ex)
  • Spell Known (Level 2): Cure Moderate Wounds
  • Spells per Day: 4/3

Level 7: Bard 7

  • Hp: 3 (d8)
  • Favored Class Bonus: Skillpoint
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +5
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +5(Ref), +5(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 10
  • Character Feat: Deadly Aim
  • Inspire Competence +3 (Su)
  • Spell Known (Level 1): Detect Secret Doors
  • Spell Known (Level 3): Blink
  • Spell Known (Level 3): Haste
  • Spells per Day: 4/3/1

Level 8: Fighter 1

  • Hp: 10 (d10)
  • Ability Score Increase: Wisdom
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +0(Ref), +0(Will)
  • Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering), Profession, Ride, Survival, Swim
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Weapon Proficiency: all simple and martial weapons
  • Armor Proficiency: all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields)
  • Fighter Bonus Feat: Rapid Shot

Level 9: Eldritch Knight 1

  • Hp: 8 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +0(Ref), +0(Will)
  • Class Skills: Climb, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Linguistics, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Swim
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character Feat: Weapon Focus (longbow)
  • Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Focus (shortsword)
  • Diverse Training
  • Bard Caster Level: +0

Level 10: Eldritch Knight 2

  • Hp: 8 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +2
  • Class Saves: +1(Fort), +1(Ref), +1(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Bard Caster Level: +1
  • Spell Swap (Level 1): Animate Rope <> Alarm
  • Spell Known (Level 3): Dispel Magic
  • Spells per Day: 4/4/2

Level 11: Eldritch Knight 3

  • Hp: 8 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +3
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +1(Ref), +1(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character Feat: Weapon Specialization (longbow)
  • Bard Caster Level: +2
  • Spell Known (Level 3): Sculpt Sound
  • Spells per Day: 5/4/3

Level 12: Eldritch Knight 4

  • Hp: 2 (d10)
  • Ability Score Increase: Dexterity
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +4
  • Class Saves: +2(Fort), +1(Ref), +1(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Bard Caster Level: +3
  • Spell Known (Level 2): Alter Self
  • Spell Known (Level 4): Neutralize Poison
  • Spell Known (Level 4): Dimension Door
  • Spells per Day: 5/4/3/1

Level 13: Eldritch Knight 5

  • Hp: 3 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +5
  • Class Saves: +3(Fort), +2(Ref), +2(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character Feat: Weapon Finesse
  • Bonus Combat Feat: Weapon Specialization (shortsword)
  • Bard Caster Level: +4
  • Spell Swap (Level ?): Hideous Laughter <> Comprehend Languages
  • Spell Known (Level 1): Cure Light Wounds
  • Spell Known (Level 4): Greater Invisibility
  • Spells per Day: 5/4/4/2

Level 14: Eldritch Knight 6

  • Hp: 2 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +6
  • Class Saves: +3(Fort), +2(Ref), +2(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Bard Caster Level: +5
  • Spell Known (Level 4): Break Enchantment | Cure Critical Wounds | Freedom of Movement
  • Spells per Day: 5/5/4/3

Level 15: Eldritch Knight 7

  • Hp: 10 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +7
  • Class Saves: +4(Fort), +2(Ref), +2(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character Feat: Nimble Moves
  • Bard Caster Level: +6
  • Spell Known (Level 3): See Invisibility
  • Spell Known (Level 5): Mirage Arcana
  • Spell Known (Level 5): Seeming
  • Spells per Day: 5/5/4/3/1

Level 16: Eldritch Knight 8

  • Hp: 8 (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +8
  • Class Saves: +4(Fort), +3(Ref), +3(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Bard Caster Level: +7
  • Spell Swap (Level ?): none
  • Spell Known (Level 2): Delay Poison
  • Spell Known (Level 5): Greater Dispel Magic
  • Spells per Day: 5/5/4/4/2

Level 17: Eldritch Knight 9

  • Hp: ? (d10)
  • Favored Class Bonus: none
  • Class Base Attack Bonus: +9
  • Class Saves: +5(Fort), +3(Ref), +3(Will)
  • Skillpoints: 5
  • Character Feat: ?
  • Bonus Combat Feat: ?
  • Bard Caster Level: +8
  • Spell Known (Level 5): ?
  • Spells per Day: 5/5/5/4/3

Story feats

  • Sasha geholfen
    • +1 on initiative
  • Aerys geholfen
    • +1 on will saves vs compulsion effects
  • Gelik geholfen
    • +1 on DC for charm or language dependend effects
  • Ishirou geholfen
    • +1 on CMB and CMD with swords or similar weapons
  • Jask geholfen
    • +2 on concentration checks
  • Totem spirit (simian)
    • 1/session: +5 on Acrobatics, Climb or Disable Device
skull/cayden.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/04/07 18:09 von pogo-baer