


Die Gruppenkasse und der Sack voller Wunderlichkeiten


  • Gold und Edelsteine (GP) 31.129,5
  • Rechnung:
    • alter Stand 115.005,5
    • Verkauf erbrachte: 455.381
    • Ausschüttung: 110.000 (20.Mai)
    • Ausgaben: 0
  • neuer Stand: 20.386,5
    • neues Gold 10.743
  • aktueller Stand 31.129,5


chain shirt, mithral +1 small |(100+1.000+1000) → [1.050]
full plate master + 400 (edelsteinbesetzt) |(1.500+150)+400 → [1.225]
half plate +3 |(600+150+9.000) → [4.875]
buckler, darkwood |(5+50+150) → [102,5]
[15] chain shirt, mithral +2 |15*(100+1.000+4.000) → [38.250]
mithral breastplate +2 ← Grilik |(200+1.000+4.000) → [2.600]
[6] breastplate +2 |6*(200+150+4.000) → [13.050]
[12] chainmail +1 |12*(150+150+1000) → [7.800]
chain shirt +3 |(100+150+9.000) → [4.625]


flame tongue (longsword) |(20.715) → [10.357,5]
adamantine warhammer +1 |(12+3000+2000) → [2.506]
[17] greatsword +1 |17*(50+300+2.000)→ [19.975]
[6] greataxe +1 |6*(20+300+2.000) → [6.960]
[2] ranseur +1 |2*(10+300+2.000) → [2.310]
[2] longsword +1 |2*(15+300+2.000) → [2.315]
ranseur +1 flaming (2) |(10+300+8.000) → [4.155]
[12] dagger (master) |12*(2+300) → [1.812]
dagger +2 human bane (3)|(2+300+18.000) → [9.151]
punishing dagger +1(2+300+2.000)→ [1.150,5]


  • Long Bow:[60] normale, [10] cold Iron, [10] silber, [14] masterworked,
    • [2] dragon slayer (2*2.282) → [2.282]
  • Short Bow:[20] normale
  • Crossbow:
    • [12] distance +2 (3) (12*18.000/50) → [2.160]


  • [5] leere Phiolen, Werkzeuge und Seile, ehemals kaputtes Teleskop, Nualias Notizen, hist. Tassilonische Dokumente, Scrollcases mit Karten
  • druid staff (spellstaff+rusting grasp)
  • [6] holy water (6*25) → [75]
  • [6] thunderstones (6*30) → [90]
  • [2] alchemistic lab (2*200) → [200]
  • [15] evocation spellbooks (15*2.295) → [17.212,5] * 4×1, 4×2, 3×3
  • [4] spellbooks (4*8.315) → [16.630] * 5×1, 5×2, 4×3, 3×4, 2×5
  • spellbook mit allen evocations bis grad 6 (22.305+15) → [11.160] * 4×1, 6×2, 5×3, 6×4, 4×5, 4×6
  • spellbook mit allen transmutations bis grad 6 (64.540+30) → [32.285] * 8×1, 15×2, 12×3, 6×4, 12×5, 17×6
  • spellbook mit allen illusions bis grad 6 (28.390+15) → [14.202,5] * 5×1, 8×2, 4×3, 6×4, 7×5, 5×6
  • spellbook mit allen necromancies bis grad 7 (34.015+15) → [17.015] * 3×1, 6×2, 4×3, 5×4, 4×5, 5×6, 4×7

Wondrous Items

  • headband INT +6 (36.000) → [18.000]
  • bracers of armor +2 (4.000) → [2.000]
  • [4] bracers of armor +3 (9.000) → [18.000]
  • bracers of armor +4 (16.000) ← Karaan [8.000]
  • [4] ring protection +1 (2.000) → [4.000]
  • [5] ring protection +2 (8.000) → [20.000]
  • belt STR +4 (16.000) → [8.000]
  • [4] belt KON +2 (4.000) → [8.000]
  • bracer lesser archery (5.000) → [2.500]
  • chime of opening (3.000 5ldg: 1.500) → [750]
  • belt STR+2, DEX+2 (10.000) → [5.000]
  • [5] headband INT +2 (4.000) → [10.000]
  • headband INT +4 (16.000) → [8.000]
  • ring of resistance +3 (9.000) → [4.500]
  • cloak of resistance +1 (1.000) → [500]
  • [3] cloak of resistance +3 (9.000) → [13.500]
  • Cape of the Mountebank (10.800) → [5.400]
  • Tome of Understanding WIS+1 (27.500) → [13.750]
  • Robe of the Archmagi (evil) (75.000) → [37.500]
  • Eversmoking Bottle (5.400) → [2.700]
  • Scarab, Golembane (2.500) → [1.125]
  • elixyr of … FIXME (2.450) → [1.225]


  • [2] magic fang (dru1, 50) → [50]
  • [2] resist energy [cold] (clr2, 300) → [300]
  • diamond dust [500]

Wand of

  • Bear's Endurance (wiz2, 38 ldg) (4.500*38/50) → [1.710]
  • Scorching Ray (wiz2, 20 ldg, CL5th) (4.500*20/50) → [900]
  • lightning bold (wiz3, cl10, 25 ldg) (3*10*750*25/50) → [5.625]
  • Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (wiz3, 32 ldg) (11.250*32/50) → [3.600]

Staff of

Rod of


[1] Globe of Invulnerability (wiz6) |(1.650) |[825]
[1] Remove Blindness/Deafness (clr3) |(375) |[187,5]
[2] Plane Shift (wiz7) |(2.275) |[1.137,5]
Binding (wiz8) |(3.000+100+14*500)|[5.050]

verrechnete Ausgaben

  • wand Comprehend Languages (750)


  • Cloak of the Manta Ray (CL 9th, Slot shoulders, 7.200) → [3.600]
  • Corpse-Ferrying Bag (4.000) → [2.000]
    • gentle repose, 300lb, 10 cubic feet
  • portable Hole (20.000) → [10.000]
  • Bag of Holding Typ II (5.000) → [2.500]
  • pearl of sirines (15.300) → [7.650]
  • bottle of air (7.250) → [3.625]
  • scrolls:
    • [2] raise dead (clr5)
    • [1] resurrection (clr7)
    • [1] restoration, greater (clr7)
    • [1] regenerate (clr7)
  • Tränke cure Wounds:
    • [18] light, [29] moderate, [5] serious, [1] lesser restoration
    • remove poison
    • remove paralysis
  • Artefakt: Feder der hellsehenden Verse
  • Bücher für Knowledge Arcana +5 (Situationsbonus, wenn wir Zeit haben)
  • wand Comprehend Languages (50 ldg)

vergangene Ausschüttungen

  • 40.000 12.Pharast (März)
  • 8.500 8.Gozran (April)
  • 4.000 17.Gozran (April)
  • 110.000 16.Mai
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